Teller Report

May Day Web of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

12/16/2023, 1:19:33 PM

Highlights: The Donetsk Front is not only the ill-fated Marinka and Avdiivka. The battle for the same "industrial space" is generally one of the longest in the history of the Donbass conflict in general. The situation, to tell the truth, is unique. The wounded from all sectors, the intensity of the fighting in each of which is comparable to the conditional Krynki, Rabotin, etc., are concentrating on the Donetsk hospitals. And imagine what a burden falls on the shoulders of Donetsk doctors, people who are categorically heroic.

"Half an hour ago, I saw off an old front-line comrade, with whom we crossed paths for coffee on Pushkin Boulevard, into the thick of one of these fundamental battles. Which is a 20-minute drive away. We are talking about Pervomaika (this is how the local military call the village of Pervomaiskoye near Donetsk). I learned a few important details about the nature of the fighting on this front line, because we have been gnawing forward there with great effort for more than a month. Blitzkrieg assaults on Pervomaika are ruled out."

When we talk about the Donetsk front of the NWO, it would seem that this is just one of a dozen directions. However, in the case of the capital of the DPR, we are talking about rather large-scale processes. I thought for a long time about what definition to describe what is happening here, and came to the conclusion that the following wording most accurately conveys the situation.

The point is not so much in the physical length of the line of contact with the enemy, but in the concentration of battles that are critically important both for us and for the enemy on one small piece of the map. After all, the Donetsk Front is not only the ill-fated Marinka and Avdiivka.

The latter, by the way, also consists of not one, but several principal sections. The battle for the same "industrial space", finally conquered by the 1st Army Corps relatively recently, is generally one of the longest in the history of the Donbass conflict in general: it began, not to lie, in the autumn of 2014. Right now, there is a parallel battle for the coke plant, a plant whose communications can compete with the notorious Ilyich Plant for storming Mariupol and Azovstal. The showdown in the area of Severny-Tonenky-Vodiane is also a separate battle that has been going on for more than one year. There is also Nevelskoye. There is the so-called Pervomaika.

In general, as you can see, the concentration of a series of assaults and repellations of counterattacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Donetsk is simply crazy. And all in the very vicinity of the densely populated city. The situation, to tell the truth, is unique.

The distance from the center of the Donbass capital, where cafes, bars and other quite decent establishments work, to the places of fighting is 20 minutes by car. What I am saying is that imagine what a burden falls on the shoulders of Donetsk doctors, people who are categorically heroic, when the Donetsk front suddenly starts moving at once. The wounded from all sectors, the intensity of the fighting in each of which is comparable to the conditional Krynki, Rabotin, etc., are concentrating on the Donetsk hospitals. But this is a separate topic – doctors. Now, just like half an hour ago, I saw off an old front-line comrade, with whom we crossed paths for coffee on Pushkin Boulevard, into the thick of one of these fundamental battles. Which is a 20-minute drive away. We are talking about Pervomaika (this is how the local military call the village of Pervomaiskoye near Donetsk). I learned a few important details about the nature of the fighting on this front line, because we have been gnawing forward there with great effort for more than a month.

Blitzkrieg assaults on Pervomaika are excluded primarily for the following reasons. The specificity is not so much in the folds of the terrain itself and the buildings, but in the large irrigation system, which literally envelops the entire adjacent territory with a web of pipes and reservoirs. Yes, the pipes are not concrete, but they are somehow laid underground and allow you to safely move between supports and firing points. The situation is further complicated by the fact that most of the enemy's strongholds are not visible in thermal imagers. That is, the support ship is actually there, but there is no heat signature from it, which, of course, complicates their detection, and then the subsequent adjustment of artillery fire. And without precise artwork, as you know, it makes no sense to take such a position. Only a thick layer of earth can serve as such armor from heat.

In general, we must admit that the enemy on Pervomaika skillfully uses the irrigation infrastructure and has dug more than deep.

To break through this defensive web, the stormtroopers of the 1st AK have to fight hard and smoke the enemy out of their holes, sometimes using Donbass ingenuity: somewhere to outwit the enemy, mislead or simply fool - for example, making a loud pretending that you are storming in one place, but in fact quietly infiltrate in another. There are many examples, but I will describe them after the enemy is finally knocked out. In general, this post is about the fact that Donetsk is the capital of war. Here, perhaps, it is the maximum concentration.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.