Teller Report

IDF announces destruction of Hamas infrastructure near Kamal Adwan hospital

12/16/2023, 7:49:15 PM

Highlights: IDF announces destruction of Hamas infrastructure near Kamal Adwan hospital. IDF: Hamas used the hospital as a command and control center in Jabaliya. As a result of the operation, the Israeli military detained about 80 Hamas representatives in the area of the hospital. Earlier, soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) eliminated a militant who opened fire from a tunnel shaft. The servicemen also destroyed the terrorist infrastructure in the region and found a large number of weapons, the IDF said.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said it had completed operations at the Kamal Adwan hospital in the northern Gaza Strip and destroyed the infrastructure of the Palestinian movement Hamas there.

The Israeli army wrote about this on Telegram.

According to the IDF, Hamas used the hospital as a command and control center in Jabaliya.

As a result of the operation, the Israeli military detained about 80 Hamas representatives in the area of the hospital.

"The servicemen also destroyed the terrorist infrastructure in the area and found a large number of weapons," the report said.

Earlier, soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) eliminated a militant who opened fire from a tunnel shaft.