Teller Report

CNBC: Carrier MSC refused to send ships through the Suez Canal due to attacks

12/16/2023, 6:39:03 PM

Highlights: Swiss carrier MSC refuses to send ships through the Suez Canal. The move is in response to attacks by Houthi rebels in Yemen. MSC says it will not send ships in an easterly or westerly direction until the situation is safe for them to do so. The carrier has already stopped some of its routes to the Cape of Good Hope due to the Houthi attacks. It is not known how many ships the Houthis have attacked so far, but the number is expected to rise as the conflict continues.

Swiss container carrier Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) has announced that it will stop its ships through the Suez Canal after attacks by Houthi rebels.

This is reported by CNBC.

"Because of this incident, and to protect the lives and safety of our seafarers, until passage through the Red Sea is safe, MSC vessels will not pass through the Suez Canal in an easterly and westerly direction," the carrier said in a statement.

It is noted that the carrier has redirected some of its routes to the Cape of Good Hope.

Earlier it became known that the Yemeni Houthis from the Ansar Allah movement announced a strike on a Maersk container ship in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait.