Teller Report

After anti-Semitic attack: Hanukkah candlestick rekindled in Polish parliament

12/14/2023, 5:48:15 PM

Highlights: After anti-Semitic attack: Hanukkah candlestick rekindled in Polish parliament. Right-wing MP Grzegorz Braun extinguished them with a fire extinguisher at the beginning of the week. Now the candles have been relit in the presence of President Andrzej Duda. "In Polish and Jewish history, we will light the candles again and again," said Poland's Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich. He has been suspended by the Konfederacja party, to which Braun belongs.

The anti-Semitic fire extinguisher attack by a right-wing extremist parliamentarian triggered a scandal in Poland. Now the Hanukkah candles are burning again in the Sejm.

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Rabbi Szalom Dow Ber Stambler lights the Hanukkah lights in the presence of President Andrzej Duda

Photo: Tomasz Gzell / dpa

They are shining again: Hanukkah candles have been lit again in the Polish parliament after far-right MP Grzegorz Braun extinguished them with a fire extinguisher at the beginning of the week.

The attack of the right-wing radical politician had caused tumultuous scenes in parliament. Around 40 guests from the Jewish community were invited to the Hanukkah celebration, including numerous younger children. Braun, who pointed the fire extinguisher at the Hanukkah candlestick, created a cloud of white powder that forced the security forces to move those present out of harm's way.

Now the candles have been relit in the presence of President Andrzej Duda. "In Polish and Jewish history, we will light the candles again and again," said Poland's Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich. "You can't wipe us out because we stand together."

Rabbi Szalom Dow Ber Stambler said he had experienced an "enormous wave of tolerance" over the past two days. While singing a Hanukkah song, he began lighting the candles before others joined in the song.

Braun, who is known for his pro-Russian and anti-European views, was reported to the prosecutor's office for his attack on the Hanukkah festival. He will also lose half of his salary for three months. He has been suspended by the Konfederacja party, to which Braun belongs.
