Teller Report

The Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong is telling Western politicians that the obsessive-compulsive disorder of interfering in Hong Kong affairs should be cured

12/13/2023, 7:19:23 AM

Highlights: The Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong is telling Western politicians that the obsessive-compulsive disorder of interfering in Hong Hong affairs should be cured. The spokesman expressed strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to this, and urged relevant countries to immediately stop trampling on the rule of law. Jimmy Lai, Zou Xingtong and others have long been engaged in anti-China and destabilizing activities inHong Kong, colluding with external forces to endanger national security, and their actions are shameful.

Hong Kong, December 12 (ZXS) -- In response to the recent meeting between the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Development's son of Jimmy Lai and his attack on smearing the Hong Kong National Security Law, and the award of the so-called "Franco-German Human Rights and Rule of Law Award" to Zou Xingtong, the leader of the "Alliance" of the anti-China and destabilizing organization "Alliance", the spokesperson of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region issued a statement on December 13, expressing strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to this, and urging relevant countries to immediately stop trampling on the rule of law in Hong Kong in the name of democracy and human rights.

The spokesman said that Hong Kong is a society governed by the rule of law, and since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, the rights and freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong residents in accordance with the law have been fully protected, but no rights and freedoms can go beyond the clear boundaries stipulated in the law, and no one has the privilege of being above the law. Jimmy Lai, Zou Xingtong and others have long been engaged in anti-China and destabilizing activities in Hong Kong, colluding with external forces to endanger national security, and their actions are shameful and should be punished. The SAR Government enforces the law in accordance with the law and the judicial organs handle the case impartially. Relevant countries have repeatedly excused anti-China and destabilizing elements in Hong Kong, and have blatantly put political manipulation above the rule of law in the HKSAR.

The spokesman pointed out that the countries concerned are faced with various human rights problems and development difficulties, such as migrants and refugees, racial discrimination, and the gap between the rich and the poor, but instead take the national economy and people's livelihood as their own responsibility, they use the Hong Kong issue to create a show, peddle the hypocritical slogan of "standing with the Hong Kong people", and painstakingly create characters of "human rights fighters" and "democracy heroes" for Hong Kong lawbreakers and criminals, so as to sensationalize and demagogue, and further expose their sinister intentions of colluding with anti-China and destabilizing elements in Hong Kong in a vain attempt to undermine Hong Kong's prosperity and stability.

The spokesman stressed that Hong Kong is China's Hong Kong and Hong Kong affairs are purely China's internal affairs. No external attack or smear can shake the HKSAR's firm principle of enforcing the law in accordance with the law, nor can it shake China's firm determination to safeguard national security. We urge all parties concerned to face up to their own problems, stop playing geopolitical tricks, and eradicate the obsessive compulsion disorder of interfering in Hong Kong's affairs and China's internal affairs as soon as possible. (ENDS)