Teller Report

Israel re-arrests Jordanian engineer in Nablus

12/13/2023, 7:18:02 AM

Highlights: Engineer Abdullah Al-Zeinawi is serving a seven-year prison sentence in Jordan. He is accused of being part of a conspiracy to break the law. He was released from prison on Monday. He has been released on bail and will be returned to prison when he has served his sentence. The case is being investigated by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Commission of Inquiry into Missing Persons (ICCIM), which is based in The Hague. The ICJ is investigating whether the release of the prisoner is a violation of international law.

The Israeli occupation forces re-arrested the Jordanian prisoner, Engineer Abdullah Al-Zeitawi, yesterday evening, after raiding his house in the West Bank city of Nablus, where he lives.

Jordanian prisoner Engineer Abdullah Al-Zeitawi (Al-Jazeera)

AMMAN – The Israeli occupation forces re-arrested Jordanian prisoner Engineer Abdullah Al-Zeitawi yesterday evening, after raiding his home in the West Bank city of Nablus, where he lives.

Al-Zeitawi was released last year 2022, after serving a seven-year prison sentence in Israeli prisons on charges of resisting the occupation.

Fadi Farah, the released prisoner and rapporteur of the National Committee for Jordanian Prisoners and Missing Persons, held the Israeli authorities fully responsible for the safety of al-Zeitawi, who is a member of the Jordanian Engineers Association.

He pointed to the worsening suffering of Jordanian prisoners in the occupation prisons, stressing in his speech to Al Jazeera Net that they are subjected to abuse, beating and systematic assault since the seventh of last October.

Al-Zaitawi's family appealed via Al Jazeera Net to the Jordanian government, demanding to know the fate of her son and work to release him immediately, as he was arrested without any charge.

The family of the prisoner Al-Zaitawi expressed their hope during the previous period to allow their son to return to his homeland Jordan after the end of his sentence in the occupation prisons, without being re-arrested.

Abdullah al-Zeitawi faces a 15-year prison sentence in absentia in Jordan issued by the State Security Court as a result of his involvement in the so-called "support for the resistance" case in 2014, in which 20 Jordanians were arrested, most of them working for the Jordanian Engineers Association.

Source : Al Jazeera