Teller Report

The study holds that US military intervention in the world is counterproductive and forms a vicious circle

12/11/2023, 8:27:31 AM

Highlights: The study holds that US military intervention in the world is counterproductive and forms a vicious circle. The study also found that at least 2001.9 million people have died directly or indirectly as a result of U.S.-led wars since September 11, 450 million since 2001. The United States and its allies have been attacked more than 80 times in Iraq and Syria. The Russian news agency Sputnik notes that choosing war and violence will only invite more war andViolence. The U.N. Security Council has called on the United States to end its use of the military as a diplomatic tool., December 12 -- Russia's Sputnik News Agency quoted a study by Brown University in the United States on the 11th as saying that the United States' act as the "world policeman" and the so-called "anti-terrorist operation" not only failed to make the United States and the world safer, but instead triggered more war and violence. Researchers say the U.S. strategy is a complete "departure from democracy" and creates a vicious circle.

In 2007, at the height of the so-called "war on terror," former U.S. Congressman Ron Paul lashed out at the harmful effects of U.S.-backed militarism around the world, and since then, analysis around the claim that U.S. military intervention in the world has made the world less secure, according to Sputnik. Now, a new study from Brown University in the United States also provides empirical support for this claim.

Stephanie Saville, a senior fellow at Brown University's "The Cost of War" project, points out that there are more militant groups now than there were in 2001 (after 911) when the United States began the so-called "war on terror," with activist groups recruiting even more recruits and U.S. military operations around the world being countered.

More recently, since the outbreak of a new round of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in 2023, the United States' support for Israel's ground invasion of Gaza has provoked anger in the Arab world. The United States and its allies have been attacked more than 80 times in Iraq and Syria.

The Russian news agency Sputnik notes that choosing war and violence will only invite more war and violence.

Between 2021 and 2023, the U.S. government carried out counterterrorism operations in 78 countries, according to Savile's research. These actions include ground fighting in at least nine countries and air strikes in at least four countries. In addition, the United States sells weapons to foreign governments, conducts "military information support operations" or "psychological operations" in many countries, and so on.

Savile's study also pinpointed the 800 U.S. military bases currently scattered around the globe. The study also found that at least 2001.9 million people have died directly or indirectly as a result of U.S.-led wars since September 11, 450.

In an interview with CNN, Savile said that the United States has gone too far in the direction of using the military as a diplomatic tool, but arguably, it has not made Americans or anyone else in the world safer.

"In Iraq and Syria, we're now seeing U.S. activities in those places in the name of counterterrorism actually make it more likely that U.S. forces are aggressive overseas," she said. ”

She also said that the U.S. strategy is diametrically opposed to its oft-declared goal of "promoting democracy" and "freedom."