Teller Report

The COP28 climate summit in Dubai is entering its last day

12/11/2023, 8:57:42 AM

Highlights: The COP28 summit in Dubai is set to end on Tuesday. A number of countries are calling for a phase-out of fossil fuels. The United Nations is hosting the summit, which is expected to last three days. The meeting is also expected to discuss the future of the global economy. The UN says it is working on a plan to reduce carbon emissions by 20% by 2030, and to reduce emissions by 30% by 2050, among other things. The U.N. is also working on plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25%.

Negotiations on a final agreement at the UN climate summit COP28 are starting to tighten up. But it's a constant give and take as all countries have to agree by Tuesday. "For the first time in 30 years, there is serious talk of phasing out fossil fuels," says SVT's climate reporter Calle Elfström on site in Dubai.

Many critical voices were raised before this year's climate summit was to be held in the United Arab Emirates with a chairman, Sultan al-Jaber, who is also the head of the country's major oil companies.

In the final negotiations on a joint climate agreement, 100 countries are demanding that a phase-out of fossil fuels be included in the final version.

"If it remains in the final text, it would be historic. It has never happened before, says SVT's reporter Calle Elfström, who covers the annual climate meeting.

One of the challenges in getting all countries on board in a transition is funding. Rich countries have, in many cases, become rich thanks to the ability to burn fossil fuels, and poor countries believe it is their turn to do the same now.

A group of 20 countries, including Saudi Arabia, China and India, have stated that they believe that richer countries need to take greater responsibility when it comes to emission reductions. If poorer countries are also to make a green transition, they need money, they argue.

"This is an issue that cuts through the entire negotiations and is the key for many poor countries to say yes to the issue," says Calle Elfström.

Listen to SVT's reporter list three key issues ahead of the final negotiations in the video above.