Teller Report

Terrorist attacks against government officials and infrastructure facilities: FSB eliminated a network of Ukrainian agents in Crimea

12/11/2023, 6:07:26 PM

Highlights: The FSB of Russia announced the suppression of the activities of an extensive network of agents of the Ukrainian special services. The agents were preparing terrorist attacks against the Russian military, government officials and transport and energy infrastructure facilities in Crimea. Russian security agencies prevented 14 acts of sabotage and terrorism, including the blowing up of six sections of railway tracks, two gas distribution facilities, three power substations and three vehicles. More than 30 criminal cases of a terrorist nature are being carried out, investigative actions and operational-search measures are carried out.

The FSB of Russia announced the suppression of the activities of a conspiratorial branched agent network of the Ukrainian special services, created under the control of Western curators. According to the agency, the agents were preparing terrorist attacks against government officials, including the head of Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov. The attackers also planned terrorist attacks against the transport and energy infrastructure of the peninsula.

The Center for Public Relations (DSP) of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia announced the suppression of the activities of an extensive network of agents of the Ukrainian special services, who operated in Crimea in 2023 under the leadership of Western curators and prepared terrorist attacks.

It is noted that the curators of the agents were also representatives of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (GUR MO) and the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU).

According to the FSB, the agents were preparing terrorist attacks against the Russian military, government officials and transport and energy infrastructure facilities in Crimea.

According to the FSB, the targets of the encroachments of Ukrainian agents were the head of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov, the chairman of the Crimean parliament Vladimir Konstantinov, the mayor of Yalta Yanina Pavlenko, the pro-Russian blogger Alexander Talipov and the public figure Oleg Tsarev.

Russian security agencies prevented 14 acts of sabotage and terrorism, including the blowing up of six sections of railway tracks, two gas distribution facilities, three power substations and three vehicles.

"15 caches prepared by the Ukrainian special services were found, from which 37 improvised explosive devices and more than 200 kg of explosives were seized. Ten persons were convicted for the preparation of the DTA," the DSP said.

According to the FSB, 18 agents and accomplices of the Ukrainian special services were detained, involved in the commission of five sabotage on sections of railway tracks in the Simferopol, Kirovsky districts of Crimea and in the Feodosia area, blowing up gas pipelines in Simferopol and the village of Koreiz, as well as vehicles belonging to a representative of the administration of the Zaporozhye region and servicemen of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation taking part in the NWO.

Investigative bodies are investigating more than 30 criminal cases of a terrorist nature, investigative actions and operational-search measures are being carried out.

RT correspondent Murad Gazdiyev prepared a story about the activities of accomplices and agents of the Kiev special services involved in a number of terrorist attacks committed under duress or as a result of threats from the SBU.

The journalist's material contains footage of the interrogation of accomplices of the Ukrainian special services, who, in particular, said that their interaction with Kiev agents began with requests to observe or photograph any objects. In the ensuing events, a number of perpetrators were asked to plant explosives.

The FSB systematically reports on the facts of suppressing the activities of accomplices of the Ukrainian special services on the territory of Russia. In particular, on December 7, the DSP of the department stated that criminal cases had been initiated against a resident of the Kaliningrad region born in 2002 under articles on assistance to sabotage activities and treason.

According to the FSB, the suspect established cooperation with an employee of the special services of Ukraine through Internet messengers, on whose instructions he was engaged in the search for persons for arson of communication facilities and transport infrastructure for money.

It was specified that the detainee involved 15 persons living in the Russian regions in this activity. More than 15 arsons organized by the defendant were established. Five of them were prevented, ten perpetrators were detained.

In addition, in early December, the FSB announced the detention of a citizen of the Russian Federation and Italy, who was involved in sabotage and terrorist acts in the Ryazan region.

In particular, the man, on the instructions of Ukrainian curators, made explosive devices, with which he equipped four quadcopters to attack the Diaghilevo military airfield in Ryazan. In addition, he blew up a railway track in the Ryazan region at the time of the passage of a freight train.