Teller Report

Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Proposal to Repeal NTT Law in Ordinary Diet Session Next Year

12/11/2023, 9:48:43 AM

Highlights: Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Proposal to Repeal NTT Law in Ordinary Diet Session Next Year. Liberal Democratic Party will abolish the NTT Act by the ordinary Diet session next year as soon as necessary measures such as revision of other laws are taken. Prime Minister Kishida stated, "I would like the party and the government to work together to move forward concretely" "Foreign players are making great moves in the field of information and communications, and it is time to go out and not just watch with their fingers crossed at home," said former Secretary-General Amari.

【NHK】 Regarding the state of the NTT Act, the Liberal Democratic Party will abolish the NTT Act by the ordinary Diet session next year as soon as necessary measures such as revision of other laws are taken.

With regard to the NTT Act, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) handed over a proposal to Prime Minister Kishida calling for the abolition of the NTT Act by the ordinary session of the Diet next year, as soon as necessary measures such as revisions to other laws are taken.

On the 11th, Hagiuda, chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party's Political Research Committee, and former Secretary-General Amari, who chairs the party's working team to examine the NTT law, handed over their recommendations to Prime Minister Kishida at the Prime Minister's Office.

The proposal calls for the revision of the law at next year's ordinary session of the Diet, arguing that the obligation for NTT to disclose its research results should be abolished, and that the government's obligation to hold shares should also be abolished, and that a policy decision should be made on whether to sell the shares it holds.

On top of that, as soon as necessary measures are taken, such as amending other laws to create a fair competitive environment and ensuring services that provide equitable fixed-line telephones nationwide, we are calling for the repeal of the NTT Act by the ordinary session of the Diet next year.

In response to the proposal, Prime Minister Kishida stated, "I would like the party and the government to work together to move forward concretely."

Amari told reporters, "Foreign players are making great moves in the field of information and communications, and it is time to go out and not just watch with their fingers crossed at home.