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EXCLUSIVE - The most searched keywords on Google this year in France

12/11/2023, 7:38:27 AM

Highlights: Europe 1 unveils, this Monday, in preview the ranking of the most searched keywords in France on Google. In its annual report, the search engine details the new words, personalities and events that generated the most interest during the year. Among the top-ranked searches is Antoine Dupont or "how long does a rugby match last". Football is not far away, with OM-PSG, Kylian Mbappé, and even a spike in searches for "Where is Gibraltar?", on the night of the 14-0 inflicted by Les Bleus.

Europe 1 unveils, this Monday, in preview the ranking of the most searched keywords in France on Google. In its annual report, the search engine details the new words, personalities and events that generated the most interest during the year.  

Aurélien Fleurot 08:28, December 11, 2023

Europe 1 unveils, this Monday, in preview the ranking of the most searched keywords in France on Google. In its annual report, the search engine details the new words, personalities and events that generated the most interest during the year.


What were the interests of Internet users this year in France? Europe 1 reveals, this Monday, in preview, the results of the annual report that Google will publish. The search engine details the new words, personalities and events that have generated the most interest in many categories. Like every year, sport was at the center of the clicks. Among the top-ranked searches is Antoine Dupont or "how long does a rugby match last". Football is not far away, with OM-PSG, Kylian Mbappé, and even a spike in searches for "Where is Gibraltar?", on the night of the 14-0 inflicted by Les Bleus.

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The news has piqued the curiosity of Internet users. Among the most searched topics this year are "How do you know if you have bed bugs?", "motion of censure definition" or "What is 49.3?". Among the personalities who have aroused the most interest from one year to the next, we find Edouard Philippe in politics or Brigitte Bardot after the broadcast of the series dedicated to her. The French were also affected by the disappearances of Matthew Perry and Jane Birkin.

Everyday questions always well placed

This year, artificial intelligence and ChatGPT have logically made a remarkable entry into Google searches, but answers to everyday questions remain prominent on the browser. Among them: "How to use the energy voucher?" or the recipe for chocolate cake. Finally, on the cinema side, Oppenheimer won the prize while the song whose lyrics were the most sought-after this year is "The Lakes of Connemara".