Teller Report

Diplomas with the coat of arms of Ukraine were issued to pupils of a kindergarten in Khabarovsk

12/11/2023, 12:57:45 PM

Highlights: Pupils of kindergarten No. 137 in Khabarovsk were given certificates with Ukrainian symbols. The certificates were printed from the Internet and given to pupils. The Department of Education is investigating the matter. The Liberal Democratic Party said that it would not change the colors of the party coat of arms due to similarity of the Ukrainian flag with the Russian flag. The party said that they would hold conversations with all employees on the subject of knowledge of Russian symbols. It is not known if the certificates will be revoked.

Pupils of kindergarten No. 137 in Khabarovsk were given certificates with Ukrainian symbols after the competition.

This was reported by RIA Novosti.

It is indicated that the physical education instructor of kindergarten No. 122 unknowingly printed out certificates from the Internet and brought them to the competitions, in which children from different kindergartens participated.

The Department of Education reported that all certificates were seized, and an inspection is currently underway. They assured that they would hold conversations with all employees on the subject of knowledge of Russian symbols.

Earlier, the Liberal Democratic Party said that it would not change the colors of the party coat of arms due to accusations of some citizens of similarity with the Ukrainian flag.