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COP28: New draft agreement calls for reduction of fossil fuel consumption and production

12/11/2023, 2:08:10 PM

Highlights: COP28: New draft agreement calls for reduction of fossil fuel consumption and production. But it no longer mentions the word "exit" from fossil fuels, which was a red line for many countries and observers present at the Dubai talks. The text includes the goal of tripling renewable energy globally and doubling the rate of improvement in energy efficiency by 2030. The draft also mentions nuclear and carbon capture and storage technologies, which are required by oil and gas-producing countries to continue pumping hydrocarbons.

The new draft agreement at COP28 on climate change was made public on Monday on the eve of the scheduled closing of the UN conference. If the text In particular, calls for the " Reduction of both consumption and production of fossil fuels. He no longer mentions the word "quot; output".

Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credits: European Union / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP 15:00 p.m., December 11, 2023

The new draft agreement at COP28 on climate change was made public on Monday on the eve of the scheduled closing of the UN conference. While the text calls for the "reduction of both the consumption and production of fossil fuels", it no longer mentions the word "exit".

The new draft agreement at COP28 on climate, prepared by the United Arab Emirates, was made public on Monday on the eve of the scheduled closing of the UN conference. In particular, the text calls for the "reduction of both the consumption and production of fossil fuels in a fair, orderly and equitable manner, so as to achieve net zero (carbon neutrality, editor's note) by, before or around 2050, as recommended by science".

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But it no longer mentions the word "exit" from fossil fuels, which was a red line for many countries and observers present at the Dubai talks.

Tripling of renewable energy globally

On coal, the text calls for a "rapid reduction in coal without carbon capture" as well as "limits on permits granted for new coal-fired power plants" without carbon capture (unabated).

The draft also mentions nuclear and carbon capture and storage technologies, which are required by oil and gas-producing countries to continue pumping hydrocarbons, but are in their infancy, "to improve efforts to substitute unabated fossil fuels in energy systems." The text includes the goal of tripling renewable energy globally and doubling the rate of improvement in energy efficiency by 2030.