Teller Report

China's new vehicle sales in November increased by more than 11% compared to the same month last year

12/11/2023, 8:47:51 AM

Highlights: China's new car sales in November fell due to the re-spread of the new corona infection, in addition to the increase in sales of EVs = electric vehicles. Sales of new cars in China in November increased significantly by more than 11% compared to the same month last year. In particular, sales of "new energy vehicles" such as EVs were strong, up 30% up from the same period last year, and the ratio of new energy vehicles to sales was 34.5%, accounting for more than one-third.

[NHK] China's new car sales in November fell due to the re-spread of the new corona infection, in addition to the increase in sales of EVs = electric vehicles ...

In addition to the increase in sales of EVs = electric vehicles, sales of new cars in China in November increased significantly by more than 11% compared to the same month last year, partly due to the reaction to the decline in sales due to the re-spread of the new corona infection.

According to the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, which is made up of Chinese automakers, sales of new cars in November were 11.297 million units, a significant increase of 27.4% compared to the same month last year.

In particular, sales of "new energy vehicles" such as EVs were strong, up 30% compared to the same month last year, and the ratio of new energy vehicles to sales was 34.5%, accounting for more than one-third.

In November last year, sales fell due to the resurgence of COVID-3 infections in China, so the rebound was also a significant positive factor.

On the other hand, the sales volume of Japanese automakers in China in November was 1.11
% higher than the same month last year, 11.56% increase for Honda,
1.36% for Toyota Motor Corporation.
All companies saw significant increases.