Teller Report

Chief physician at Danderyd Hospital: "Almost all healthcare will be affected by AI"

12/11/2023, 4:38:02 AM

Highlights: Chief physician at Danderyd Hospital: "Almost all healthcare will be affected by AI" Max Gordon has been working with artificial intelligence in healthcare for almost ten years. "AI is a perfect tool for removing a lot of the administration," says Max Gordon. "It's a fantastic tool to take care of the tedious work and solve it for us," he says. The video at the top shows how AI works as a tool in healthcare. It allows us to work faster and more efficiently – without having to run faster.

This year's AI Swede is Max Gordon, a senior physician at Danderyd Hospital. There, he develops how artificial intelligence can be used in healthcare. "AI is rapidly entering healthcare now. It's a fantastic tool to take care of the tedious work and solve it for us," says Max Gordon.

Max Gordon has been working with artificial intelligence in healthcare for almost ten years. Initially, it was very much about getting AI to help and interpret X-ray images, for example to detect bone fractures. But it didn't go as smoothly as you might think," says Max Gordon.

"When we sent data to KTH, we were initially told that it was not possible. But after a little more work, it worked, and we became the first in the world to publish that the computer could find fractures as well as an orthopedic surgeon.

"AI is a perfect tool for removing administration"

A large part of the healthcare staff's working time is currently spent on administrative work. The new technology means that some of that work could be automated and handled by AI, says Max Gordon.

"AI is a perfect tool for removing a lot of the administration. This allows us to work faster and more efficiently – without having to run faster.

Hear how AI works as a tool in healthcare in the video at the top.