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Zhejiang County Observation: How to weave a piece of cloth into the "International Textile Capital"?

12/10/2023, 5:56:49 AM

Highlights: Zhejiang County Observation: How to weave a piece of cloth into the "International Textile Capital"?. The reporter recently visited Keqiao, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, the "city on the cloth", to explore how the fabric weaves a modern "international textile capital" With the theme of "Green, Recycling, Digitalization - New Momentum of the Textile Industry", the conference attracted representatives from nearly <> countries and regions such as India, Spain, South Korea, Germany, and Taiwan., Shaoxing, December 12 (Xiang Jing) A piece of cloth "drifts across the ocean" to activate the world economy, a piece of cloth is embedded with "black technology" to achieve sustainable development, and a piece of cloth is integrated into traditional culture to dye colorful flowers... Cloth, which has enveloped thousands of years of human civilization, is also realizing "ten thousand possibilities" at the moment.

The reporter recently visited Keqiao, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, the "city on the cloth", to explore how the fabric weaves a modern "international textile capital".

Digitalization is the "consensus" of the textile industry towards high-quality development, and it is also the force of Keqiao. Taking a closer look at the "weaving printing and dyeing industry brain" created locally, more than 10 applications have been integrated, including more than 20 multi-cross application scenarios, more than 5 industrial chain collaborative applications, with an average monthly active user of nearly 6000,<> people, and nearly <> million meters of fabric online trading.

In Keqiao, digital technology has spawned short sleeves. Photo by Xiang Jing

According to Chen Hao, secretary of the Keqiao District Party Committee, next, Keqiao will rely on the Zhejiang Modern Textile Technology Innovation Center to attract a global textile high-end talent team, promote the cooperation of textile enterprises and innovation centers, and create a world-class textile technology innovation source. At the same time, make good use of digital platforms such as the "brain of the weaving printing and dyeing industry" to reshape the new momentum of the development of the textile industry.

At present, the global textile industry is at an important juncture of transformation and development. At the same time, the traditional textile industry is a typical industry with high energy consumption, high water consumption and high pollution, and promoting the green development of the industry is the common voice of textile people.

Walk into some textile factories in Keqiao, create a renewable system for waste polyester textiles, explore photovoltaic power generation to optimize the energy structure, promote the recycling and processing of recycled cotton, and launch a green evaluation platform for the whole life cycle of textiles... A large number of cloth merchants are exploring the green transformation of the textile industry to achieve sustainable development goals. In the view of many local cloth merchants, green transformation involves equipment, production, sales and other links, and is inseparable from the blessing of new technologies and new concepts.

Throughout the previous World Cloth Merchants Conferences in Keqiao, green and digital have always been important topics that cannot be avoided, as are the 2023 International Textile Manufacturers Federation China Shaoxing Keqiao Conference and the 2023 60th World Cloth Merchants Conference held in Keqiao. With the theme of "Green, Recycling, Digitalization - New Momentum of the Textile Industry", the conference attracted representatives from nearly <> countries and regions such as India, Spain, South Korea, Germany, and Taiwan, China, to explore industry exchanges and cooperation.

According to the "2024 World Textile Industry Trend Outlook" released by the conference, green, intelligent and high-value are the key words for the development of textile science and technology, mainly involving innovation in specific fields such as textile recycling, nanomaterials, advanced processing technology and equipment, environmental protection chemicals and processes.

From Keqiao's point of view, textile printing and dyeing is the leading industry in the local area, accounting for 60% of Zhejiang Province and 40% of the country. In order to promote green and low-carbon development, the local government has gathered all 110 printing and dyeing enterprises in the local economic and technological development zone, built the country's largest green printing and dyeing base, and accelerated the promotion of printing and dyeing enterprises to "grow tall and strong" and the integrated development of industry and trade.

Overseas cloth merchants shop for goods in the Keqiao fabric market. Photo by Xiang Jing

As the foundation of the textile industry becomes more and more solid, Keqiao's footsteps of "covering the world" are also getting broader and broader.

At present, the local government is deeply implementing the "Silk Road Keqiao, Covering the World" action, including planning to build more "overseas warehouses" and efficiently operating the China-Europe Express "Keqiao". During the opening ceremony of the above-mentioned conference, the overseas public platform of China Textile City's "Silk Road Keqiao Spread Around the World" was officially launched, which will help China's textile industry to "go global" and "bring in".

"There are many kinds of Keqiao fabrics, and I hope to sell Keqiao's fabrics to more places in the world through continuous innovation." Ali, a Yemeni cloth merchant who has been doing business in Keqiao for more than 20 years, said in an interview.

With the development of human civilization, the modern textile industry is thriving, not only focusing on internationalization, greening, and digitalization, but also the fashion industry that is closely related to people has also become the key to the transformation and upgrading of the textile industry and promoting international exchanges and cooperation. For Keqiao, which has built an "international textile capital", the power of fashion is no exception.

According to the recently released "Keqiao District to build a modern "international textile capital" action plan, the district will implement the "ten major actions" to promote cloth and clothing, fashion brands, etc., gather more fashion design and creative platforms, plan to build a high-end garment industrial park, introduce and cultivate first-class fashion brands at home and abroad, and build the fashion creative industry into a 2025-billion-level industrial cluster by <>. (ENDS)