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Xie Zhenhua's Dubai climate conference responded to four major concerns of Chinese and foreign media

12/10/2023, 2:37:11 AM

Highlights: Xie Zhenhua's Dubai climate conference responded to four major concerns of Chinese and foreign media. China is now conducting intensive consultations with major countries and major groups, hoping to find a clear and correct future direction. China has strengthened cooperation with and support for developing countries mainly through South-South cooperation and the Belt and Road Initiative. He revealed that the "loss and damage" fund is now starting to raise funds and operate, "we support it very much" He said that China has made great contributions to the development of global renewable energy.

China News Service Dubai, December 12 (Reporter Pang Wuji) China's special envoy for climate change Xie Zhenhua responded to the concerns of Chinese and foreign media on fossil energy substitution, renewable energy development, climate and trade policies, and South-South cooperation on climate change during the 10th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP9) held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on the 28th.

- Fossil Energy Substitution: "Hope for the Most Inclusive"

Phasing down or phasing out fossil fuels was one of the most controversial topics during the conference. A foreign media reporter asked what is China's attitude towards fossil fuels, and the current text of the conference discloses four options? Xie Zhenhua said that in fact, there are more than four choices for fossil fuels, and China is now conducting intensive consultations with major countries and major groups, hoping to find a clear and correct future direction, which reflects both positive energy and maximum inclusiveness, so that everyone can accept it. Consultations on this issue have been positively developed.

On the issue of fossil fuels, some countries have expressed firm opposition to phasing out or reducing fossil fuels; Some countries have made it very clear that they will resolutely phase out fossil fuels; Some compromises were also proposed. Xie Zhenhua said that on this issue, all parties still hope to be able to reflect the greatest inclusiveness and reflect the direction of our progress, "I estimate that it should be resolved in the next two days."

On December 12, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, China's special envoy for climate change Xie Zhenhua responded to questions from Chinese and foreign media at a press conference. Photo by China News Service reporter Pang Wuji

- Renewable energy development: "Towards the gradual replacement of fossil energy"

During COP28, more than 120 countries agreed to triple the world's installed renewable energy capacity by 2030.

In this regard, Xie Zhenhua said that China has made great contributions to the development of global renewable energy. So far, the cost of wind power has been reduced by 80% and the cost of photovoltaic power by 90%, driven by China, which also lays a very good foundation for the large-scale deployment of renewable energy around the world.

He pointed out that China's installed renewable energy capacity has now surpassed coal power, which is a big shift in the energy structure, "we must continue to strengthen the development and utilization of renewable energy, and finally strive to gradually replace fossil energy."

-- Climate Policy for Trade Protectionism: "We Don't Approve of It"

Observers have found that in recent years, many countries have introduced new regulations on trade, taxation and other related issues in the name of climate policy, which have actually affected international trade, including new energy equipment and low-carbon products.

In this regard, Xie Zhenhua pointed out that we support fair trade in climate-friendly technologies and products, that is, zero-carbon and low-carbon technologies and products. We oppose unilateralism and trade protectionism. Climate action is a cause that protects the future of the planet and benefits future generations, so everyone should support it, and there should be no trade barriers and restrictions, which are not good for the cause of climate change, "we do not approve of it".

Protesters rally in the Blue Zone of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on December 12 and call for a just transition. Photo by China News Service reporter Pang Wuji

- How can China participate in the "Loss and Damage" Fund?

In response to the question of whether China will participate in the "loss and damage" fund agreed on the first day of the conference, Xie Zhenhua revealed that the "loss and damage" fund is now starting to raise funds and operate, "we support it very much." He revealed that China has strengthened cooperation with and support for developing countries mainly through South-South cooperation and the green Belt and Road Initiative.

"We're really getting started." Xie Zhenhua said: China has both donations, as well as technical cooperation and support. China has been carrying out South-South cooperation on climate change for many years, that is, to help developing countries improve their capacity to cope with climate change. China has carried out green energy projects and cooperation with more than 100 countries and regions. In addition, China has also built wind and photovoltaic power generation projects in Ethiopia, Argentina, Montenegro and other countries.

So far, China has signed 40 memorandums of understanding on South-South cooperation on climate change with 48 developing countries, cooperated in building four low-carbon demonstration zones, carried out 4 climate change mitigation and adaptation projects, and held 75 training courses on South-South cooperation on climate change. (ENDS)