Teller Report

Taiwan recorded the approach of 12 aircraft and seven ships of China

12/10/2023, 4:16:48 AM

Highlights: Taiwan recorded the approach of 12 aircraft and seven ships of China. Four aircraft entered Taiwan's air defense identification zone southwest of the island. The Chinese military is using aviation, ships and ground-based anti-aircraft missile systems to monitor targets. The Taiwanese Armed Forces recorded approach of 29 aircraft and five ships of the People's Liberation Army of China to the island on October 4. It is expected that the Chinese military will never allow the island of Taiwan to secede from the PRC.

The Taiwanese Armed Forces recorded the approach of 12 aircraft and seven ships of the People's Liberation Army of the People's Republic of China (PLA) to the island during the day.

TASS writes about it.

It is noted that four aircraft entered Taiwan's air defense identification zone southwest of it.

We are talking about the Y-8 anti-submarine aircraft and three J-16 fighters.

According to the article, the Taiwanese army responded by using aviation, ships and ground-based anti-aircraft missile systems to monitor targets.

On October 4, the Taiwanese Armed Forces recorded the approach of 29 aircraft and five ships of the People's Liberation Army of China to the island.

Colonel-General Zhang Youxia, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China, said that the PLA will never allow the island of Taiwan to secede from the PRC.