Teller Report

Promote the building of a China-Vietnam community with a shared future of strategic significance

12/10/2023, 3:56:48 AM

Highlights: Promote the building of a China-Vietnam community with a shared future of strategic significance. Over the past 73 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the traditional friendship between the two countries has blossomed and borne fruit. In the face of an increasingly severe and complex international situation, China and Vietnam uphold the spirit of equality, mutual benefit, solidarity and mutual trust. The traditional friendship was personally created by Chairman Mao Zedong, and was personally nurtured by the leaders of the older generation.

Original title: Promote the building of a community with a shared future between China and Vietnam of strategic significance

——Written on the occasion of General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and President Xi Jinping on his state visit to Vietnam

"Vietnam-China, mountains and mountains, water and water", "Drink the water of a river, meet in the morning, look at each other in the evening, and listen to the rooster singing in the morning".

China and Vietnam are socialist neighbors linked by mountains and rivers and interdependent, and they are also a community with a shared future of strategic significance. Over the past 73 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the traditional friendship between the two countries, which was personally forged and carefully nurtured by the leaders of the older generation, has blossomed and borne fruit, and has made great progress under the guidance of the <>-character principle of "long-term stability, future-oriented, good-neighborliness, friendship and all-round cooperation" and the spirit of "good neighbors, good friends, good comrades and good partners".

This year marks the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between China and Vietnam. General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and President Xi Jinping will pay a state visit to Vietnam. The leaders of China and Vietnam have strengthened strategic communication and drawn up a blueprint and guided the direction of China-Vietnam relations in the new era. In the face of an increasingly severe and complex international situation, China and Vietnam uphold the spirit of equality, mutual benefit, solidarity and mutual trust, and win-win cooperation, and work together to seek common development, which will surely better benefit the two peoples and inject more stability into a world of turmoil and turmoil.

Close communication and frequent contact

As good neighbors, good friends, good comrades and good partners, China and Vietnam share a common destiny.

In modern times, both China and Vietnam have gone through the arduous process of moving from being bullied by others to national independence, from being closed off to reform and opening up, and from poverty and backwardness to prosperity and strength.

President Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that in the face of the ever-changing international situation and arduous domestic development tasks, the two countries should not forget the original intention of traditional friendship, keep in mind the common ideal mission, work together to take the socialist road, build a community of destiny of strategic significance, and ensure that the relations between the two countries are always on the fast track of mutual benefit and win-win development.

On October 2022, 10, in the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, the atmosphere was solemn and warm, and the pattern of "Friendship Medal" was particularly eye-catching on the huge red background board. In front of the background board, the flags of the Communist Party of China and the Communist Party of Vietnam, as well as the national flags of China and Vietnam, are neatly arranged.

Amid the sound of ceremonial trumpets and witnessed by guests from both China and Vietnam, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly presented a medal to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. The audience burst into warm applause.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech that the "Friendship Medal" represents the friendly feelings of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people towards General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and the Vietnamese people, symbolizes the deep friendship between China and Vietnam as "comrades and brothers", and contains the ardent hope of the two parties and the two peoples to jointly pursue a better future.

In his speech, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong said that this high honor reflects the deep friendship of the Chinese party, government and people to the party, government and people of Vietnam and the previous leaders of Vietnam, including me, and is also a great encouragement to Vietnam's long-term commitment to Vietnam-China friendship. I am very honored to accept this high honor, and I will work with the Vietnamese people in my post to continue to adhere to the socialist road, constantly consolidate and deepen the friendly relations between Vietnam and China, and jointly realize a brighter future.

As President Ho Chi Minh said, "Vietnam and China have deep friendship, comrades and brothers". The traditional friendship between China and Vietnam was personally created by Chairman Mao Zedong, Premier Zhou Enlai, President Ho Chi Minh and other leaders of the older generation of the two sides, and is a precious wealth of the two parties, two countries and two peoples.

Over the years, the top leaders of the two parties and two countries have maintained close communication through various means, reached many important consensuses on guiding the development of China-Vietnam relations, and constantly injected new connotations into the relations between the two countries:

——In November 2015, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and President Xi Jinping visited Vietnam, which was the second visit to Vietnam by the top leader of the Chinese Party and state in nearly 11 years, and realized the exchange of visits between the top leaders of the two parties and two countries within the year. General Secretary Xi Jinping met intensively with Vietnamese party and state leaders to discuss bilateral relations, party building, governance, traditional friendship and pragmatic cooperation. The two sides reached a high degree of consensus on the common interests, common challenges, common needs and common tasks of the two parties and two countries under the current situation, and the connotation of the China-Vietnam comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership under the new situation has been continuously enriched.

——On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2017, Nguyen Phu Trong visited China for the first time after becoming General Secretary of the 1942th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam. The general secretaries of the Chinese and Vietnamese parties met with friends over tea, talked about friendship and discussed the current situation. After the tea party, General Secretary Xi Jinping presented General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong with a copy of President Ho Chi Minh's <> handwritten Chinese poem "Walking", expressing his hope that the two countries will move forward hand in hand and achieve win-win cooperation.

——In November 2017, after the 11th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping was invited to visit Vietnam. At Ho Chi Minh's former residence, where ancient trees are quiet and full of greenery, General Secretary Xi Jinping and General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong had a cup of tea, promising not to forget the "original intention" of traditional friendship between China and Vietnam. In front of the stilt house of Ho Chi Minh's former residence, General Secretary Xi Jinping personally presented General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong with a national gift - the 19th issue of People's Daily. The 16 yellowed issues of the newspaper reported on President Ho Chi Minh's visit to China in 1955; The three issues of the newspaper with the scent of ink are reports from General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong during his visit to China in January 3. At the meeting table at the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam in Hanoi, seven members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam sat side by side with General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong explained that during General Secretary Xi Binh's visit, Vietnam arranged for different members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam to accompany the event to ensure that everyone could hear important guidance;

——In 2022, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong was invited to lead Vietnamese leaders to visit China as the first head-level delegation after the <>th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, fulfilling the promise made to General Secretary Xi Jinping to make China his first visit to the country after his re-election as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam. At the welcome banquet, General Secretary Xi Jinping introduced the newly promoted comrades of the Politburo Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. Nguyen Phu Trong extended his heartfelt congratulations to the members of the Politburo Standing Committee and said that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam is willing to work together with the new leadership of the CPC Central Committee to promote the friendly cooperation between the two parties and two countries to achieve new results and reach new heights.


The fact that the top leaders of the two parties and two countries of China and Vietnam often visit neighbors' homes and comrades' homes has become a good story in today's international relations:

-- From the Great Hall of the People in Beijing to Ho Chi Minh's former residence in Hanoi, the top leaders of the two parties and two countries have met friends over tea three times to discuss friendship, ideals and current situation, pointing out the direction for the two countries to work together to inherit the traditional friendship and jointly lead China-Vietnam relations to achieve greater development on the journey of socialist modernization.

-- The top leaders of the two parties and two countries exchange greetings on the occasion of the Spring Festival and make several historic visits, and the broad consensus reached has been translated into fruitful results of exchanges and cooperation between the two countries, fully demonstrating that the socialist neighbors of China and Vietnam are comrades with a high degree of mutual trust, partners of mutual benefit and win-win results, and friends who know each other well.

Both China and Vietnam are advancing their respective socialist modernizations, both regard China-Vietnam relations as the priority direction of their respective foreign policies, and both regard each other's development as their own development opportunities. "China sees Vietnam as a priority for China's neighborhood diplomacy. Vietnam regards the development of relations with China as a strategic choice and a top priority. The two countries gave a clear definition of China-Vietnam relations in a joint press communiqué issued in June this year.

"The two parties in Vietnam and China share the same ideals and beliefs, their future and destiny are related, and they are both leading their respective countries to carry out socialist construction." Feng Huu Phu, former executive vice chairman of the Theoretical Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, has co-chaired theoretical seminars between China and Vietnam on many occasions. He said that the socialist cause of Vietnam and China is unprecedented, and it is necessary to continue to explore, reform and bring forth the new, and the deepening of exchanges between the two sides on party governance is conducive to promoting strategic communication and mutual learning, and is conducive to developing and realizing the policy of rejuvenating the country and the road of strengthening the country that suits their respective national conditions.

Work together and seek common development

The people of China and Vietnam live side by side, and in ancient times there was a way of mutual exchange and mutual learning, and in the near future, they had the feeling of jointly defending against foreign enemies, and now they have the cause of rejuvenation and prosperity.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "The sustained, healthy and stable development of China-Vietnam relations conforms to the fundamental interests of the two parties, two countries and two peoples, is conducive to the prosperous development of the socialist cause, is conducive to maintaining regional and world peace and stability, and promoting development and prosperity." ”

The two economic and trade cooperation zones in the north and south of Vietnam are becoming a vivid portrayal of the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative and the "two corridors and one circle" to accelerate the docking. About 50 kilometers southwest of Ho Chi Minh City along the expressway, modern factories have sprung up and many Chinese companies have taken root here. As one of China's state-level overseas economic and trade cooperation zones, Longjiang Industrial Park has attracted a total investment of US$18.3 billion from settled enterprises and created about 220,1 local jobs. In the China-Vietnam (Shenzhen-Haiphong) Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone, which is about 5 kilometers away from the Chinese border, the rapid development of manufacturing enterprises such as electronics and electromechanical has led to the employment of <>,<> local employees, making it a high-quality park representing the level of "Made in China".

In recent years, the development strategies of China and Vietnam have been continuously aligned, providing inexhaustible impetus for China-Vietnam cooperation in economy, trade, investment and infrastructure construction. The two countries have maintained regular communication on expanding and deepening practical cooperation in various fields from a strategic perspective, and have established high-level and cross-departmental coordination and docking mechanisms such as the Steering Committee for Bilateral Cooperation, as well as counterpart cooperation mechanisms among various departments.

The economies of China and Vietnam are highly interrelated and complementary, and their interests are increasingly closely integrated. China has been Vietnam's largest trading partner for many years. Vietnam is China's largest trading partner in ASEAN and the world's fourth largest trading partner, with bilateral trade exceeding US$2000 billion for two consecutive years. From January to October this year, the bilateral trade volume between China and Vietnam reached $1.10 billion, and small-scale border trade and border people's mutual markets became increasingly active. In the face of similar opportunities and challenges brought to the two countries by economic globalization and regional economic integration, China and Vietnam have jointly built the Belt and Road Initiative with high quality, strengthened the synergy of development strategies, leveraged complementary advantages, and accelerated practical cooperation in infrastructure, smart customs, green energy and other fields, so as to inject strong impetus into the development of the China-Vietnam comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership to a higher level under the new situation.

China and Vietnam have strengthened cooperation in railway connectivity, critical minerals and other fields, and worked together to build a mutually beneficial, stable and smooth industrial and supply chain system. On August 8 this year, an international freight train running about 2,2700 kilometers stopped at An Nguyen Station in Hanoi, Vietnam, carrying hundreds of tons of goods, opening a new channel for high-quality products from the two countries to enter each other's markets more conveniently. The interconnection of land, sea, air and network infrastructure between the two countries is becoming more and more perfect, and the construction of railways and highways is speeding up planning. The two sides have continued to upgrade and open border ports, and announced the launch of a pilot construction of smart ports in September this year.

From afar, it looks like a silk hanging from the sky, and up close, it looks like a flying bead splashing jade - this is the admiration of tourists who have admired the Detian (Banyue) Waterfall. In September this year, the China-Vietnam Detian (Banyo) Waterfall Cross-border Tourism Cooperation Zone was launched for trial operation, and tourists from the two countries can experience a five-hour cross-border tour in the cooperation zone, and fully experience the visual impact brought by Asia's first and the world's fourth largest transnational waterfall. This cooperation not only integrates the cross-border tourism resources of the two countries for the first time and realizes joint development, but also becomes a new achievement of cross-border cooperation between China and Vietnam, exploring a new path for China-ASEAN cooperation and high-quality Belt and Road cooperation.

China, Vietnam, and other socialist countries have based themselves on their own realities and conformed to the trend of the times, and have successfully explored a path of modernization suited to their own national conditions, and socialism is increasingly full of vigor and vitality. Deepening cooperation and joint development between China and Vietnam will bring tangible benefits to the two peoples and help promote regional peace, stability and prosperity.

Deep friendships are passed down from generation to generation

In front of the Millennium Xiongguan Friendship Pass on the Sino-Vietnamese border, the kapok tree blooms with bright red flowers, witnessing the lively scene of border people, businessmen and tourists coming and going between the two countries, and also shows that the traditional friendship between China and Vietnam will surely cross the long river of history, endure for a long time, and last for a long time.

In August this year, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong inspected the Friendship Pass and planted the Friendship Tree. He pointed out that only Vietnam-China friendship - the Friendship Pass is named after the word "friendship" in the world, which reflects the special traditional friendship of "comrades and brothers" between the Vietnamese and Chinese peoples, and "the continuous development of Vietnam-China relations is fully in line with the aspirations of the Vietnamese people, and I believe that through the joint efforts of both sides, the friendship between the two countries will become deeper and deeper."

At a time when the world is facing major changes unseen in a century, and China-Vietnam relations have entered a critical period of carrying forward the past and opening up the future, and realizing the friendship between China and Vietnam for generations to come is in the fundamental interests of the two countries and the two peoples, and is also the common aspiration of the two peoples.

Young people are the future of the country and the hope of the nation. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "I hope that young friends will be the inheritors and successors of the friendship between the two countries for generations, contribute to building a community with a shared future between China and Vietnam, and pass on the cause of China-Vietnam friendship from generation to generation." General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong said: "I hope that the young people of the two countries will have close exchanges, enhance understanding, inherit friendship, and become an important force in creating a better future for Vietnam and China." The top leaders of the two parties and two countries unanimously pinned the future and hope of China-Vietnam friendship on the young people of the two countries.

"Inside and outside the venue, the Venus Red Flag and the Five-Star Red Flag complemented each other, and 500 young representatives from Vietnam and China went from strange to familiar, talking about friendship and the future." Recalling the scene when General Secretary Xi Jinping Jinping and General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong met with Chinese and Vietnamese youth representatives who participated in the 2015th China-Vietnam Youth Friendship Meeting in Hanoi in November 11, Vietnamese youth Tao Van Xin still remembers vividly. Through participating in exchange activities and gaining insight into the history of the traditional friendship between the two countries, he realized that the younger generation should pass on this precious friendship. "It is our young people's duty to be the inheritors of the traditional friendship between Vietnam and China, the promoters of Vietnam-China friendship and cooperation, and the builders of the future of Vietnam-China relations." Tao Wenxin said.

"Vietnamese singer Do Thi Thanh Hoa also won the monthly championship on China Central Television's "Avenue of Stars" program. On the eve of his visit to Vietnam in 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping mentioned this detail in a signed article, which has made Du Shi Qinghua unforgettable. As a participant and beneficiary of people-to-people exchanges between China and Vietnam, Du Thi Qinghua has studied in Guangxi and Beijing for 7 years. During her Xi studies in China, she participated in the recording of several Chinese TV programs, and brought excellent Chinese songs such as "Spring Ballet" to the Vietnamese art stage after returning to China. The beautiful melody and beautiful sound continue to shorten the spiritual distance between the Chinese and Vietnamese audiences. "I will bring more excellent Chinese songs to Vietnam, and I will also introduce Vietnam's rich folk song resources to China, so as to contribute to the promotion of people-to-people friendship between the two countries." ”

From Hanoi in the scorching sun to Harbin in the snow and ice, a young Vietnamese from Vietnam, Tran Tho Tho, has studied for a master's degree and a doctorate degree at Northeast Forestry University in China. The enthusiasm of the school's teachers and classmates warmed the Vietnamese youth. After returning to Vietnam after completing his studies, he founded his own Chinese training institution to help more Vietnamese young people realize their dream of studying XiChinese and studying in China. Up to now, more than 2000,<> Vietnamese students have passed the Chinese proficiency test after studying Xi here. He also helped more Vietnamese students apply for the opportunity to study in China.

On November 11 this year, Hekou Yao Autonomous County in Yunnan Province, across the river from Lao Cai Province in Vietnam, held a three-person basketball match in the Yunnan Border Happy Village Sports Carnival, where young people from China and Vietnam used basketball as a medium to meet new friends. They also went deep into the border villages and towns to experience the charm of traditional sports of Chinese ethnic minorities such as crossbow shooting, spinning tops, climbing poles, and grinding autumn, and learned more about China through participation and experience.

On the same day, the "Sing a Song Together" China-ASEAN Youth Film and Television Song Meeting was held in Hanoi, and about 400 people, including young students from China and Vietnam, sang a song together with classic film and television works. The theme song of the Chinese film "In the Mood for Love", "Liang Zhu", "Big Fish and Begonia" and "My Home is in Yunshan" and other classic Vietnamese folk songs are tactful and melodious; Accompanied by the theme song of the popular Chinese costume drama "The Legend of Chu Qiao" in Vietnam, the dance team of the Vietnam National Song and Dance Theater danced gracefully; The Vietnam New Vitality Chinese Orchestra used Chinese and Vietnamese national instruments to play classic songs in Chinese movies such as "Men Should Be Self-Reliant"... Vice President of Hanoi University Nguyen Tan Dung said in his speech that Vietnam and China are connected by mountains and rivers and cultures. Through the exchange of film and television songs of the two countries, Vietnamese and Chinese youths can understand and Xi learn each other's excellent art and culture, which will contribute to friendly exchanges between Vietnamese and Chinese youths, strengthen mutual understanding between the two peoples, and promote the development of bilateral relations.

From the friendship meeting between Chinese and Vietnamese youths attended by thousands of people, to the China-Vietnam youth gala attended by nearly 10,000 youth representatives, to the fact that more and more young people from the two countries choose to learn each other'Xi s languages, travel and study in each other's countries, and love each other's film and television variety shows, the channels for youth and people-to-people exchanges between the two countries have been continuously broadened and the scope of exchanges has become wider and wider.

Facing the future, the people of the two countries will further deepen their understanding of each other's countries, further enhance their understanding of the history of Sino-Vietnamese friendship, and have a deeper understanding of the historical and contemporary meaning of Sino-Vietnamese relations, such as hands and feet, pestles and mortars, roots and stems, and brothers and brothers, and achieve a stronger sense of gain and happiness from them.

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History and reality have proven that China and Vietnam are not only friendly neighbors linked by mountains and rivers, but also a community with a shared future of strategic significance. More than ever, the two countries need to help each other and move forward together.

At present, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, Vietnam's reform and opening up is in a critical period, and China-Vietnam cooperation is facing a key historical opportunity. It is believed that General Secretary Xi's visit will stabilize the political direction for the future development of China-Vietnam relations, enrich the connotation of cooperation, continuously strengthen the cause of socialism, safeguard regional peace and development dividends, and promote the building of a China-Vietnam community with a shared future of strategic significance.