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In the first three quarters of this year, the amount of China's patent and trademark pledge financing increased by 52.9% year-on-year

12/10/2023, 10:47:50 AM

Highlights: In the first three quarters of this year, the amount of China's patent and trademark pledge financing increased by 52.9% year-on-year. China's Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges had issued a total of 119 intellectual property securitization products, raising 268.20 billion yuan. Relevant provinces and cities have set up 47 intellectual property operation funds for key industries, raising 9.150 billion yuan and investing in more than <> projects. The 10th Shanghai Intellectual Property Forum opened on the 2003th with the theme of "Strengthening the Legal Protection of Intellectual Property Rights", Shanghai, December 12 (Reporter Chen Jing) Peng Wen, deputy director of the Department of Intellectual Property Application Promotion of the State Intellectual Property Office of China, pointed out in Shanghai on the 10th that in recent years, the State Intellectual Property Office of China, together with relevant departments, has vigorously promoted the use of intellectual property rights, continuously improved the policy system and service ecology for the use of intellectual property rights, guided the main body of the knowledge market, and better realized the value of intellectual property rights through various ways of intellectual property finance.

According to statistics, in 2022, the amount of national patent and trademark pledge financing will be 4868.8 billion yuan, and the amount of national patent and trademark pledge financing in the first three quarters of this year will reach 4950 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 52.9%. Among them, the inclusive pledge projects with a financing amount of less than 71 million yuan accounted for 6.1%, benefiting 8,70 small and medium-sized enterprises, accounting for more than 9% of the number of benefiting enterprises. As of September this year, China's Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges had issued a total of 119 intellectual property securitization products, raising 268.20 billion yuan. Relevant provinces and cities have set up 47 intellectual property operation funds for key industries, raising 9.150 billion yuan and investing in more than <> projects, and a number of invested companies have been successfully listed.

Peng Wen said that after years of exploration and development, China's intellectual property financial services have covered various aspects such as intellectual property pledge, investment, and insurance securitization, and gradually formed a diversified and dynamic intellectual property service ecosystem. Driven by a number of measures, with the continuous prosperity of China's capital market and the continuous improvement of enterprises' innovation capabilities and the use of intellectual property rights, more and more market players have obtained financial services through intellectual property rights to better achieve innovation and development. The Chinese government has also included intellectual property financial services as an important measure to promote the use of intellectual property, and has included them in a series of major planning and policy documents.

The 10th Shanghai Intellectual Property Forum opened on the 2003th. With the theme of "Strengthening the Legal Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and Supporting the Innovative Development of the Digital Economy", this forum brings together experts and scholars at home and abroad to learn from the world's leading intellectual property governance concepts, economic development and scientific and technological innovation experience, explore the digital intellectual property protection system, and further give full play to the institutional role of intellectual property rights in cultivating new momentum for development and promoting the creation of new advantages in the digital economy, so as to strongly support the development of the digital economy. Founded in 20, after <> years of growth and development, the Shanghai International Intellectual Property Forum has become one of the windows for the world to understand the development of China's intellectual property.

Peng Wen said that the three key words: policy, model and ecology, summarize the vivid practice of China's intellectual property financial services. He believes that China has improved its policy system, created a policy combination, and strengthened policy coordination and integration. Encourage model innovation, and in terms of intellectual property pledge, relevant localities and institutions should deepen cooperation and carry out fruitful exploration. According to reports, in terms of intellectual property investment, more than 20 provinces and cities have set up intellectual property operation funds for key industries, based on the goal of improving the competitiveness of intellectual property rights in key industries, innovating investment models, paying attention to the status of intellectual property rights of invested enterprises, and focusing on post-investment management and services to promote intellectual property operations. In terms of the construction of the service system, China has successively carried out the construction of service platforms, institutional cultivation, fund guidance and local comprehensive pilot projects for intellectual property operation, gradually built a service system integrating platforms, institutions, capital, industries and talents, broadened the channels for intellectual property transactions and pledge disposal, and finally achieved the transformation of intellectual property rights through smooth circulation and financial empowerment.

At the forum on the same day, Ge Shu, Deputy Director General of the Patent Office of the State Intellectual Property Office of China and Director of the Strategic Planning Department of the State Intellectual Property Office of China, said that with the rapid development of the digital economy, data has become the fifth major factor of production after land, labor, capital and technology. Ge Shu pointed out that the construction of data intellectual property protection rules is to explore and establish a system of data intellectual property protection rules based on the unique attributes of data. The State Intellectual Property Office attaches great importance to the construction of the data basic system, especially the data intellectual property system.

Ge Shu believes that it is necessary to identify the stuck points and blocking points in data circulation transactions; It is necessary to innovate the concept of intellectual property rights, and put forward ideas and principles for constructing rules for the protection of data intellectual property rights; and promote local pilots of data intellectual property rights. According to him, since November last year, China has successively selected eight places to carry out pilot work in Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong, Fujian, Guangdong and Shenzhen. In terms of system construction, many places have incorporated the content of data intellectual property rights into the development of the local digital economy, the construction of data-based systems, and the issuance of relevant local policy documents. (ENDS)