Teller Report

Abu Obeida. Contraindicated in different eras

12/10/2023, 11:57:17 AM

Highlights: Abu Obeida is the official media spokesman of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas. He is known for his voice and strong seismic words to his enemies and his threats to them. He leads another kind of jihad, which is the jihad of the word, using one of the tools of power in the era of "media", through which he is fighting a counter-war to the Western media war.

Some call him the masked, as he appears in every statement of the Qassam Brigades masked in keffiyeh, from which only his eyes appear, as he is unidentified, but at the same time he is known.

Abu Obeida, spokesman for the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades (Al Jazeera)

Abu Obeida is a popular name that has exceeded the horizons and his statements have become the focus of global attention, and have become the subject of discussion and talk on social media platforms, especially in the recent period after the operation "Al-Aqsa flood".

Abu Obeida: The nickname of the official media spokesman of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, after the companion of the conqueror of Jerusalem Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah during the reign of Caliph Omar bin Al-Khattab.

Some call him the masked, as he appears in every statement of the Qassam Brigades masked in keffiyeh, from which only his eyes appear, as he is unidentified, but at the same time he is known.

He is known for his voice and strong seismic words to his enemies and his threats to them, as well as words of motivation and confirmation and his sincere promises to the Almoravids and the patient people of Palestine and Gaza.

He leads another kind of jihad, which is the jihad of the word, using one of the tools of power in the era of "media", through which he is fighting a counter-war to the Western media war, and it seems from the reactions at all international and popular levels after his speeches that he has won.

Abu Ubaidah was one of the first former to Islam has been Islam the day after the Islam of Abu Bakr, and his Islam was at the hands of the same friend and lived Abu Ubaidah experience Muslims harsh in Mecca from beginning to end

Abu Obeida. The great companion

The name of Abu Ubaidah makes us go back in time to the era of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and his companions, may God be pleased with them, to mention features of the life of the great companion Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah: He is Amer bin Abdullah bin Al-Jarrah Al-Fihri Al-Qurashi, nicknamed Abu Obeida, the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said about him, "Every nation has a secretary, and the secretary of this nation is Abu Ubaydah."

Abu Ubaidah was one of the first predecessors to Islam has been Islam the day after the Islam of Abu Bakr, and his Islam was at the hands of the friend himself and lived Abu Ubaidah experience Muslims harsh in Mecca from the beginning to the end and suffered with the Muslims proved to afflict and the sincerity of God and His Messenger in every situation.

Abu Obaida Badr Day

Abu Ubaidah set out on the day of Badr to pray between the rows of the prayer of those who do not fear death, so the polytheists feared him and the knights of Quraish warned him and made them step down from him whenever they confronted him.

But one man of them made stands out to Abu Ubaidah in every direction, Abu Ubaidah was stepping down from his way and avoiding meeting him, but this man blocked Ali Abu Ubaidah paths, and stood between him and fighting the enemies of God, when he was fed up with him hit his head with the sword pride of the man Sri'a, this man was Abdullah bin Al-Jarrah, father of Abu Obeida, Abu Ubaidah did not kill his father, but killed shirk in the person of his father, so God Almighty revealed regarding Abu Ubaidah and his father this verse: ﴿You will not find people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, they will come to those who are Allah and His Messenger, even if they are their fathers, sons, brothers or clan, those who have faith written in their hearts and supported them in the spirit of Him, and will enter them into gardens under which rivers flow, immortal, may Allah be pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him, those are Hezbollah, but Hezbollah are the Muflihun﴾ [Al-Mujadila: 22]

Abu Bakr said: Abu 'Ubaydah was one of the best people.

The strong and honest

When a delegation of Christians approached the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: "O Abu al-Qasim, send with us a man from your companions whom you will please us to judge between us about things of our wealth in which we disagreed, for we have Muslims who are satisfactory."

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "Come to me on the eve, I will send with you the strong and faithful."

Umar ibn al-Khattab said: I rejoiced until the noon prayer early, and I did not love the emirate because I loved it at that time, hoping to be the owner of this epithet.

When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prayed to us at noon, he looked to his right and to his left. So I made him go to him to see me, and he still turned his gaze on us until he saw Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah, and he called him and said: Go out with them and judge among them the truth about what they disagreed about.

I said, "Abu 'Ubaydah went with it."

Abu Obaida Sunday

One Sunday when the Muslims were defeated, Abu Ubaidah was one of the ten who surrounded the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to defend him with their chests from the spears of the polytheists.

When the battle was over, the Prophet had broken his quad and his forehead was broken, and two rings of his armor throat were sunk in his cheek, so the friend came to him wanting to snatch them from his cheeks, so Abu Ubaidah said to him: I swear you will leave that to me, so he left it, so Abu Ubaidah feared that if he pulled them out with his hand, the Messenger of Allah would hurt, so he bit the first of them with his fold biting strongly and tightly, so he extracted it and his fold fell. (Fold: collected by folds, which are the teeth of the front of the mouth). Then he bit the other with his second fold and pulled it out, and his second fold fell out.

Abu Bakr said: Abu 'Ubaydah was one of the best people. (I care about those whose folds are broken)

Abu 'Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah struck this plague, and when he died, he recommended his soldiers and said: I command you with a commandment that if you accept it, you will still be fine: establish prayer, pay zakat, fast the month of Ramadan, and give charity...

His death may Allah be pleased with him

Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah in the Levant was leading the Muslim armies from victory to victory until God conquered all the Levantine lands by his hands, reaching the Euphrates in the east and Asia Minor in the north.

Then raiding the Levant is a plague that reaps the people.

Abu 'Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah struck this plague, and when he died, he recommended his soldiers and said, "I command you with a commandment that if you accept it, you will still be fine: establish prayer, pay zakat, fast for the month of Ramadan, give charity, make pilgrimages, perform Umrah and communicate, advise your princes and do not cheat them." And do not be distracted by the world, for if one ages a thousand about what he had to become to my death, this is what you see, God wrote death on the children of Adam for they are dead, and I will bag them (the best of them in mind and understanding of things) I will obey them to his Lord, and I will work them for the day of his resurrection. May Allah's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you! Then he turned to Muadh ibn Jabal and said, "O Muadh, pray with people." Then his pure spirit overflowed.

It is a jihad of victory or martyrdom

This is the same phrase that the martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam said when he was surrounded by British colonial forces and asked him to surrender in the bushes of Ya'bad in the northern West Bank.

This is proof that even if the mujahid is martyred, the battle does not end, the idea does not die, and his words do not disappear, but come to life and pass on to others who believe in them.