Teller Report

A new round of art examination reform: the threshold for cultural courses is raised, and the threshold for art is lowered?

12/10/2023, 3:26:48 AM

Highlights: 2024 is the first year for the implementation of a new round of art examination reform. The scope and scale of the school examination have been greatly reduced. In 2024, only 38 colleges and universities will carry out school examinations for some art majors. For art majors covered by the unified examination, many colleges will directly use the results to recruit students. Some teachers from the art examination institutions also mentioned that after the reform, the requirements for cultural courses will be improved and some students' grades may not be enough, which will put pressure on them., Beijing, December 12 (Reporter Yuan Xiuyue) On the first weekend of December, Wu Tongyu, a senior high school student from Beijing, participated in the Beijing 10 Art Examination Broadcasting and Hosting Exam at the Communication University of China, which was a decision she made half a month before the exam. She said that she has been interested in broadcasting and hosting since she was a child, because this time it is a new form, so she wants to try it.

2024 is the first year for the implementation of a new round of art examination reform. In addition to the increase in the threshold of cultural courses, this reform has also brought more impact to art candidates.

Beijing 2024 Art Examination Unified Examination Broadcasting and Hosting Test Center. Photo by Yuan Xiuyue

A new round of art examination reform

The threshold for art examination has been lowered?

Starting in late November, the 11 provincial unified examinations for art majors in Shanghai, Anhui, Jilin, Jiangxi, Beijing and other places have kicked off one after another. According to the relevant requirements of the art examination reform, from 2024, the provincial unified professional examinations for six art majors, including music, dance, acting (directing), broadcasting and hosting, art and design, and calligraphy, will be fully implemented.

In this round of art examination reform, the scope and scale of the school examination have been greatly reduced. In 2024, only 38 colleges and universities will carry out school examinations for some art majors. For art majors covered by the unified examination, many colleges and universities will directly use the results of the unified examination to recruit students.

The reporter interviewed a number of candidates outside the examination room of Communication University of China, and many people reported that the exam questions were "not so difficult", "the questions drawn are still quite simple", "not difficult, very good". Wu Tongyu also told reporters that the overall difficulty is acceptable, and there is nothing that people can't answer.

According to the "Instructions for the Unified Examination of Art Majors in Beijing Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Broadcasting and Hosting)", this examination includes three subjects: work reading, news broadcasting, and topic commentary, with 100 points for each subject.

"In previous years, the format of the school examination for broadcasting and hosting was roughly self-prepared manuscripts, designated manuscripts plus mock hosting, news commentary, talent show, examiner questions, self-introduction, etc., and the things tested in different schools were different. In this unified examination, there is a unified examination syllabus and example questions, which stipulate the selection of materials for each subject, such as the selection of work reading subjects based on the content involved in primary and secondary school Chinese subjects, and the selection of news broadcast subjects based on news released by the official mainstream media. Zhang Guopeng, a teacher at an art examination institution, told reporters.

In the view of Huang Shi, a teacher at the art examination institution, the questions of this unified examination are still biased towards taking care of more students, especially for students who have studied Xi art for a short time, it is not so difficult to prepare, and the threshold is lowered. "From the perspective of Xi exam preparation, the time taken up in cultural classes is relatively reduced, and it also saves money. It turns out that every school across the country has to run the school examination for at least half a year. ”

Wu Tongyu also told reporters that there are still many candidates like her who come to try. According to the analysis of industry insiders, after the unified examination, most colleges and universities will adopt the comprehensive results of the college entrance examination cultural courses and the provincial unified examination results in proportion to the comprehensive results. That is to say, as long as the provincial unified examination results are qualified, even if it is the last place, if the cultural class score is okay, there is still a chance to be admitted to a good university. This was not possible in previous years, and if a student did not have a good major, he would probably end up being able to go to a guaranteed school.

Some teachers from art examination institutions also mentioned that after the reform, the requirements for cultural courses will be improved, and some students' cultural course grades may not be enough, which will be a little pressure on them.

Many parents and teachers were waiting outside the exam room. Photo by Yuan Xiuyue

"Turning the Art Examination into the College Entrance Examination"

Is it fairer?

"There are six or seven teachers in the examination room, and even nine teachers in some examination rooms, and each teacher will give students a score separately, whether it is an average score or other way is not clear, but for us candidates, it will indeed reduce some chance and be more objective." After walking out of the examination room, Hu Runjie, a 2024 art candidate, said.

The direction of art examination reform has always been the focus of attention from the outside world. A teacher from an art examination institution told reporters that after the reform plans for art examinations in various places were released one after another, they observed that the examination syllabuses and example questions issued by various provinces were almost identical.

Compared with the previous provincial professional unified examination of "separate affairs", this art examination reform strives to achieve "a game of chess in the whole country". The Ministry of Education, in conjunction with experts from all over the country, has carefully polished and established relatively uniform examination standards and rules for each major, standardized the examination subjects for various categories, and set the total score of each category to be 300 points.

In Zhang Guopeng's view, the key word of the provincial unified examination is standardization. "With normative topic selection, there will be normative scoring methods. It turns out that some people say that the art examination is unfair, one reason is that they feel that the scores of various provinces and schools are too poor, and we can also really feel that some students do very well in this school, and others can't pass. After this reform, there are relatively consistent examination standards and scoring standards, which must objectively promote the fairness of examinations. ”

Data map: Beijing Film Academy candidates waiting for the exam. Courtesy of Beijing Film Academy

Unified syllabus, unified question bank, unified standards, some people call it "art examination college entrance examination". A teacher from an art examination institution revealed that in the past school examinations, in order to increase their chances of winning, some students would go to teachers from their target colleges and universities to take small classes, which cost very high, less than tens of thousands of yuan, more than hundreds of thousands of yuan. After the unified examination, students only need to focus on improving their scores, and this "gray area" will gradually decrease. In August this year, the Ministry of Education and other departments also jointly issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Standardized Management of Art Examination Training in Deepening the Governance of Non-academic Extracurricular Training", requiring in-service faculty and staff of art majors in ordinary colleges and universities, and expert judges who participate in the provincial unified examination of relevant art majors and college school examination propositions and scoring (papers) shall not participate in or participate in the art examination training activities of training institutions in disguise. For students, the disadvantage may be that "one test determines life and death".

Since the release of the art examination reform plan, there has been a lot of discussion on the topic of whether the threshold for cultural courses should be raised. Outside the examination room, many art candidates told reporters that "cultural literacy should be strengthened", "understandable", and "will motivate themselves more to do well in cultural classes", but some people said that "there is a lot of pressure". On this topic, there is also a view that the threshold can be appropriately raised, but there is a specialization in the art industry.

In Zhang Guopeng's view, the current reform plan is the greatest common divisor to promoting fairness and quality. Moreover, many schools will also conduct a variety of selections according to their own requirements, such as marking the provincial unified examination results and taking the unified examination results as the standard for preliminary screening.

The reporter noticed that the art examination reform plan in many places also mentioned that colleges and universities that organize school examinations can formulate exceptional admission methods for college entrance examination cultural courses in accordance with relevant regulations for a very small number of candidates with particularly excellent professional examination scores or outstanding talents and performance in relevant professional fields. (ENDS)