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Xie Zhenhua reveals the progress of climate negotiations: "I feel the most difficult thing is this COP28"

12/9/2023, 4:56:41 PM

Highlights: Xie Zhenhua reveals the progress of climate negotiations: "I feel the most difficult thing is this COP28". He explained that the current text had 27 pages and 206 issues to be solved, "we should do subtraction, but addition is easy and subtraction is difficult" China's special envoy for climate change is a veteran of international climate negotiations. He expressed his support for the UAE presidency and hoped that the conference would be a success and lay a good foundation for the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

China News Service Dubai, December 12 (Reporter Pang Wuji) China's special envoy for climate change Xie Zhenhua said frankly during the 9th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP9) held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on the 28th: "I feel the most difficult is this COP28." He explained that the current text had 27 pages and 206 issues to be solved, "we should do subtraction, but addition is easy and subtraction is difficult".

Xie Zhenhua responded to questions from Chinese and foreign media at a press conference held on the same day. He revealed that in the first week of the conference, all the topics had been launched, and in the second week, it had begun to move from the technical level to the political level, and then there would be ministerial-level consultations. At present, a version of the text has been published, and now the text is 27 pages long, and there are 206 issues (to be solved), and there are too many problems, which should be subtracted, and the most important issues should be sorted out logically, and then solved one by one.

China's special envoy for climate change is a veteran of international climate negotiations, and a number of foreign media have also asked him about his personal experience of participating in the conference.

Xie Zhenhua revealed that he has been involved in climate negotiations for 16 years. "I am most happy to participate in the Paris climate conference, during which China, the United States, China and France reached four joint statements on climate change, and finally led to the signing and entry into force of the Paris Agreement, which I am most happy about, because it has really played a milestone role in the fight against climate change."

He went on to say that the most difficult thing was this conference, because there were more than 200 problems to solve, "we have to do subtraction, it is easy to do addition, and it is difficult to do subtraction."

Xie Zhenhua said that we are willing to work together with all countries to strive for this year's conference, as in the past, after difficult negotiations, everyone will find common ground and seek the greatest common divisor. He expressed his support for the UAE presidency and hoped that the conference would be a success and lay a good foundation for the implementation of the Paris Agreement after the global stocktake. (ENDS)