Teller Report

Revenge of the fossil empire, wave of illness in wastewater and reanimated fungi: The reading recommendations of the week from the science editors of SPIEGEL. (Copy)

12/9/2023, 8:57:09 AM

Highlights: There are currently more fragments of the coronavirus in the sewer system than ever before since measurements began. Professor Ferenc Krausz from Garching has succeeded in making the shimmering of electrons visible. Synthetic fuels are seen as a beacon of hope for combustion engines and petrol stations. The lynx cat Finja dives into the northern Black Forest after her transport box has been opened. The country would like to release a total of up to ten female lynxes into the wild.

Revenge of the fossil empire, wave of illness in wastewater and reanimated fungi: The reading recommendations of the week from the science editors of SPIEGEL.

My colleague Marvin Rishi Krishan interviewed a sports physician about this. The result: Yes and no. There are a few things to keep in mind.

Dry and cold air can dry out the mucous membranes and cause problems in the respiratory tract.

So it's better to get into the habit of breathing through your nose as much as possible in sub-zero temperatures. This is how preheated, moist air enters the lungs.

Also: Make sure you wear the right clothes (hat!) and take a hot shower and drink something warm after the run.

So if you're heading outdoors this weekend, whether it's jogging, sledding or walking, have fun in the snow!


Yours, Kerstin Kullmann

In addition, I recommend that you:

Wave of illness in wastewater: There are currently more fragments of the coronavirus in the sewer system than ever before since measurements began. What experts deduce from it.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Despite all the climate vows, humanity is burning more fossil fuels than ever before. The oil and gas companies are making record profits and investing tens of billions in the development of new deposits. One focus is on Guyana, South America. Can the new boom still be stopped?

Masters of the Ultra Volatile: Professor Ferenc Krausz from Garching has succeeded in making the shimmering of electrons visible. Now he is receiving the highest award in science – and has big plans: With his discovery, he wants to revolutionize medical diagnostics.

Savior of the Fire Sponge: The global extinction of species affects not only plants and animals, but also fungi. A biologist now wants to reintroduce endangered species into German forests. How can this be achieved?

E-gasoline factory: Synthetic fuels are seen as a beacon of hope for combustion engines and petrol stations. The controversial e-fuels are still scarce – but an alliance of companies is planning a large-scale plant at a former chemical plant.

Picture of the Week

Finally in freedom: The lynx cat Finja dives into the northern Black Forest after her transport box has been opened. Finja is supposed to help rebuild a lynx population in the state of Baden-Württemberg. By the middle of the 19th century, the animals had become extinct there, and since the <>s, male lynxes have been immigrating again and again, especially from Switzerland. In order to stabilize the population in the future, the country would therefore like to release a total of up to ten female lynxes into the wild.

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