Teller Report

Pacific bluefin tuna: Expansion of special measures to increase the catch quota for large fish next season

12/9/2023, 8:07:06 PM

Highlights: The Western and Central Pacific Tuna Commission held its annual meeting in the Cook Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Japan and other countries are proposing to expand special measures to increase the catch quota for large fish weighing 30 kg or more. The Fisheries Agency will formally decide on the allocation for next season as early as next week. The agency will propose a full-scale expansion of the catch quotas at next year's international conference in light of the recovery trend of bluefin tuna stocks, Fisheries Agency says.

【NHK】An international conference was held for resource management of Pacific bluefin tuna and other species, and each country agreed to expand the special measures proposed by Japan and others. This...

An international conference was held for the management of Pacific bluefin tuna and other resources, and each country agreed to expand the special measures proposed by Japan and others. In response to this, the Fisheries Agency plans to increase the catch quota for large bluefin tuna next season.

The Western and Central Pacific Tuna Commission held its annual meeting in the Cook Islands in the Pacific Ocean from April 4 to 9 local time to discuss the management of the catch of bluefin tuna, which is also known as this tuna and is popular as sushi neta.

Regarding Pacific bluefin tuna, Japan and other countries are proposing to expand special measures to increase the catch quota for large fish weighing 30 kg or more instead of reducing the catch quota for small fish weighing less than 30 kg, and according to the Fisheries Agency, as a result of the meeting, each country agreed and officially decided to introduce it from next year.

In response to this, the Fisheries Agency plans to increase the allocation of domestic bluefin tuna catches for the next season by 400 tons from this season to 4820,2 tons in offshore fisheries such as reel nets and drift nets managed by the government.

This is the first time in two years that the quota has been increased, and the Fisheries Agency will formally decide on the allocation for next season as early as next week.

On the other hand, at this annual meeting, the quota was effectively increased as a special measure, but the Fisheries Agency will propose a full-scale expansion of the catch quota at next year's international conference in light of the recovery trend of bluefin tuna stocks.