Teller Report

Breaking the waves and moving forward with solid steps for high-quality development丨10-month consumption of 38.54 trillion! The surging momentum demonstrates the resilience of China's economy

12/9/2023, 8:57:21 AM

Highlights: 10-month consumption of 38.54 trillion! The surging momentum demonstrates the resilience of China's economy. China's consumer market has run a continuous upward curve, highlighting the endogenous power of the super-large-scale market. How to enhance consumption capacity, improve consumption conditions, innovate consumption scenarios, and fully release consumption potential has become an important task of the central economic work in 2023. In 2023, the country's top-level design to expand domestic demand and promote consumption will be made frequently.

38.54 trillion! This is the first ten months, China's total retail sales of consumer goods, a year-on-year increase of 6.9%. Since the beginning of this year, China's consumer market has run a continuous upward curve, highlighting the endogenous power of the super-large-scale market.

Creative IP activates the potential of cultural tourism consumption

Racing dragon boats on the ice, sitting on horse-drawn plows to check in Internet celebrity cafes and post offices, and squatting at night to shoot the aurora... This winter, the "fire" of Arctic Village, Mohe Village, Heilongjiang Province, is out of the circle. In the past, because of the single cultural tourism project, Arctic Village had "traffic" but no "retention", and "fame" but lack "popularity".

In September 2023, villager Shi Ruijuan's homestay courtyard welcomed a special guest: General Secretary Xi Jinping. After learning about the living conditions of the villagers, General Secretary Xi said: The local party committee and government should provide policy support, so that the scenery and ice and snow resources of the northern border can bring a steady stream of income to the villagers.

After full research, Arctic Village has introduced a number of new consumption formats such as characteristic homestays, travel photography, and cultural and creative stores, attracting nearly 1,000 tourists from all over the country every day on average. Shi Ruijuan also renovated the courtyard, and also launched new customized services such as travel route design, and the orders were scheduled for the Spring Festival holiday.

Not only Arctic Village, but in 2023, the dragon boat race in Guangdong, the Hanfu culture in Luoyang, and the village super village BA in Guizhou... The fission of creative IPs into new phenomenal consumption scenarios has leveraged the explosive growth of industries such as accommodation and catering, sports and leisure, and cultural creativity, forming a wave consumption boom, which has also given birth to a new indicator - service retail sales. Since the beginning of this year, China's retail sales of services have always maintained double-digit growth.

Xia Jiechang, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences' Institute of Financial and Economic Strategy, said that the continuous expansion of the scale of service consumption means that the consumption structure of urban and rural residents is changing from focusing on commodity consumption to paying equal attention to the consumption of goods and services to meet the needs of a better life. There is a new trend of expansion, quality improvement, transformation and upgrading in China's consumption field.

Playing a "combination punch" to form a joint force to expand domestic demand and promote consumption

In recent years, due to complex factors at home and abroad, residents' consumer demand has been suppressed. This year is a year of economic recovery and development after three years of new crown epidemic prevention and control. How to enhance consumption capacity, improve consumption conditions, innovate consumption scenarios, and fully release consumption potential has become an important task of the central economic work in 2023.

At the beginning of the year, at the second collective study Xi of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that it is necessary to establish and improve a long-term mechanism for expanding residents' consumption, so that residents can have a stable income to consume, dare to consume without worries, and have an excellent consumption environment and a strong sense of willingness to consume. In April and July, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over two meetings of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to analyze and study the current economic situation and economic work, emphasizing the need to form a joint force to expand demand, boost bulk consumption, and promote service consumption.

In 2023, the country's top-level design to expand domestic demand and promote consumption will be made frequently.

Wang Wei, a second-level researcher at the Development Research Center of the State Council who has been studying the consumer market for a long time, found that in 2023, from national ministries and commissions to various localities, the number of targeted measures to promote consumption will be unprecedented, and the intensity will also be unprecedented. Especially since the second half of the year, the relevant ministries and commissions of the state have intensively introduced policies to promote consumption, including reducing individual income tax and reducing personal loan interest rates to reduce the burden on residents; A number of measures have been introduced to encourage the upgrading of bulk consumption such as smart home appliances and new energy vehicles, and more than a dozen provinces and cities have also launched local policies and issued large-amount consumption vouchers.

A series of policy combinations continued to take effect, and the consumer market showed positive changes.

In 2023, intelligent and green consumption will become the mainstream, and from January to October, the sales of new energy vehicles will increase by 1.10% year-on-year. The consumption of upgraded goods such as new electronic products and smart home appliances showed a good growth trend.

Zhang Wei, vice president of the Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Commerce, showed reporters a latest research report, China's consumption development in 2023 will show seven major trends: new consumption continues to innovate and develop, cost-effective consumption is favored, the potential of silver consumption is being released, the concept of green consumption has been promoted, domestic brands have become consumption hotspots, social interaction consumption has attracted attention, and personalized customized consumption has become a trend.

Unblock microcirculation in order to satisfy a better life

With the improvement of people's living standards, a series of new trends and new characteristics have emerged in residents' consumption demand. The high-quality growth of consumption is no longer a simple quantitative growth, but the satisfaction of effective demand and the growth of higher efficiency.

Better consumption facilities, better consumption environment, and more comfortable consumption experience are leveraging the huge consumer market potential.

Beijing, Shanghai and other megacities to build international consumption center cities, the construction of smart business districts. Innovative consumption scenarios such as 5G, smart shopping guides, smart parking, smart convenience stores, and unmanned vending machines are emerging one after another. Smart shopping, AR interaction, non-inductive payment and other functions enhance consumer experience.

Nearly 150,3000 quarter-hour convenient living circles have been built in <> pilot areas across the country, and residents can enjoy services such as catering, shopping, elderly care, leisure and entertainment.

The construction of the county-level commercial system has been accelerated, and a number of county-level logistics and distribution centers, township business centers and new rural convenience stores have been built and renovated in various localities to better meet the needs of the people for a better life.

In Hebi, Henan Province, an intelligent logistics distribution center was put into use not long ago. At 438 o'clock in the morning, parcels from all over the country gather here, and after unified identification, they are respectively loaded with buses, express vehicles and commercial vehicles, and can arrive at <> outlets in villages and towns in the evening. Zhou Xianyun, a resident of Nanguanwai Community, Weixi Street, Jun County, told reporters that her family's smart home appliances, printers, and camping tents were all purchased online.

The capillaries of commodity flow continue to extend downward and densely. AutoNavi map traffic big data found that the country's new county-level express outlets and commercial outlets this year are mainly concentrated in the central and western regions, and the growth rate of Xinjiang, Qinghai, Anhui, Shanxi, Ningxia, Liaoning and other provinces and municipalities is significantly higher than the national average.

In 2023, the fundamental role of consumption in driving economic growth will become increasingly prominent. In the first three quarters of this year, the contribution rate of final consumption to economic growth continued to grow by 83.2%, driving GDP growth by 4.4 percentage points, providing a strong boost for the national economy to achieve a virtuous cycle and high-quality development.

(CCTV news client, CCTV reporter Wang Yan, Yue Qun, Ding Yani, Chen Yujie, Li Chao)