Teller Report

Beijing plans to build 20,<> new electric bicycle charging facilities next year

12/9/2023, 9:36:59 AM

Highlights: Beijing will continue to fill in the gap in charging facilities, focus on residential quarters, bungalow courtyards, urban-rural junctions and other areas, and timely increase and supplement charging facilities to meet the needs of outdoor charging. Beijing actively promotes the construction of electric bicycle charging facilities. In 2024, it is planned to build 20,<> new charging facility interfaces in the city. Beijing Municipal Urban Management Commission will work with relevant departments to increase efforts to focus on the following four aspects., Beijing, December 12 (Reporter Chen Hang) Beijing actively promotes the construction of electric bicycle charging facilities, up to now, the city has built a total of 9,95 electric bicycle charging facilities interface, the ratio of vehicle piles is about 1:3.5. Beijing will continue to fill in the gap in charging facilities, track and analyze the demands of citizens, focus on residential quarters, bungalow courtyards, urban-rural junctions and other areas, and timely build and supplement charging facilities to meet the needs of outdoor charging, and plan to build 2024,20 new charging facility interfaces in <>.

The picture shows the press conference on the winter and spring fire prevention work in Beijing. Photo courtesy of the Information Office of the Beijing Municipal Government

From November this year to March next year, we will focus on fire prevention in winter and spring

Li Yunhao, chief engineer of the Beijing Municipal Fire and Rescue Corps, said at a press conference held on the 8th that the weather is cold and dry in winter and spring, and the majority of people use fire, oil, gas and electricity for production and life. Some production and operation, construction and construction activities "rush the construction period, catch up with the schedule", prone to personnel fatigue, equipment overload operation, illegal hot work and other problems, production and operation, factory warehouses, logistics express unsafe fire and electricity problems increase, all kinds of fire risk increased significantly, has always been a fire-prone season, is the key period of fire prevention and control.

Li Yunhao said that from November this year to March next year, Beijing will focus on winter and spring fire prevention work, and invite all organs, groups, enterprises and institutions in the city and the general public to conscientiously perform their fire safety duties and obligations, do a good job in winter and spring fire prevention, protect the safety of people's lives and property, and jointly maintain the safety and stability of the capital.

In 2024, it is planned to build 20,<> new electric bicycle charging facility interfaces

Li Rugang, deputy director and spokesman of the Beijing Municipal Urban Management Commission, said at the press conference that in recent years, with the continuous and rapid growth of electric bicycles, the public's demand for safe charging has gradually increased. Beijing actively promotes the construction of electric bicycle charging facilities, and up to now, the city has built a total of 95,1 electric bicycle charging facility interfaces, with a pile ratio of about 3:5.<>. At present, the construction of electric bicycle charging facilities in residential areas is affected by power conditions, construction site selection and other reasons, and there are still unbalanced layouts, and the operation and maintenance of some enterprises are not in place or the price is not publicized.

Li Rugang said that next year, the Beijing Municipal Urban Management Commission will work with relevant departments to increase efforts to focus on the following four aspects: First, continue to fill the gap in charging facilities. Track and analyze the demands of citizens, focus on residential quarters, bungalow courtyards, urban-rural junctions and other areas, and timely increase and supplement charging facilities to meet the needs of outdoor charging. In 2024, it is planned to build 20,<> new charging facility interfaces.

The second is to comprehensively carry out the safety survey of charging facilities. Carry out a comprehensive safety survey of existing charging facilities in the city, especially those that cannot be used and are not easy to use for a long period of time, and implement overall blanking and upgrading to ensure the safe charging of citizens outdoors.

The third is to continue to improve the service level of charging facilities. Supervise and urge charging service enterprises and property management units to strengthen the maintenance and management of charging facilities and sites, increase inspection and inspection, continuously improve the safety level and service quality of charging facilities, clearly indicate prices, and charge reasonably to provide residents with safe and high-quality charging services.

Fourth, we will work with relevant departments to strengthen policy support. Research and formulate a work plan for comprehensively deepening the safety control of the whole chain of electric bicycles, further strengthen the safety supervision of the whole life cycle of electric bicycles in conjunction with relevant departments, improve the coordination and linkage working mechanism between departments, and effectively strengthen the joint force of work.

Li Rugang reminded the general public that please actively cooperate with the construction of charging facilities, correctly use and care for charging facilities, and move the car in time after being fully charged, so as to facilitate others to charge and improve the efficiency of charging facilities. (ENDS)