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There are leaked recordings. Families of Israeli detainees outraged by Gaza airstrikes

12/8/2023, 11:36:30 PM

Highlights: There are leaked recordings. of families of Israeli detainees outraged by Gaza airstrikes. Families of Hamas detainees expressed their indignation and anger at Netanyahu over the airstrikes in Gaza. Some released prisoners said they feared death in Israeli shelling more than they feared Hamas.. play videoplay video of Israel's Channel 12 on Watch the full interview on CNN at 10 p.m. ET/PT on Wednesday, Thursday at 10 a.m., Friday at 9 a.M. ET. Watch it on CNN's website at:

Families of Hamas detainees expressed their indignation and anger at Netanyahu over the airstrikes in Gaza, and some released prisoners said they feared death in Israeli shelling more than they feared Hamas.

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Israel's Channel 12 released leaked recordings of what it said was a discussion between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the families of Israeli detainees in the Gaza Strip during a recent meeting with them.

One of the women released in a prisoner exchange with Hamas said there had been attacks by air force planes and that Israel had left them.

Last Wednesday, Ynet, one of the most famous news sites in Israel, published leaks of audio recordings of the meeting of released Israeli prisoners and some of their relatives with Netanyahu after their release, and stated that the families of the detainees expressed their indignation and anger to Netanyahu over the air strikes on Gaza, in light of the Palestinian factions keeping Israeli prisoners in the Strip.

The website quoted one of the recently released prisoners, who was not named, as saying that "the prisoners will not survive the shelling of the Israeli army." "Every day in captivity was very difficult, we were in the tunnels and we were afraid that Israel, not Hamas, would kill us," he said.

An unnamed Israeli woman was quoted as saying, "We felt like no one was doing anything for us. The truth is that I was in a bunker that was bombed and we became wounded refugees."

"My husband was separated from me three days before I returned to Israel and taken to the tunnels. And you're talking about flooding tunnels with seawater? You are bombing the tunnel roads exactly where they (Israeli prisoners) are."

She was referring to US media reports of an Israeli plan to flood Gaza's tunnels with sea water.

Another released prisoner reported that an Israeli helicopter fired at Israeli civilians.

This statement came within a leaked audio recording reported by the American "CNN" website about Netanyahu's meeting with released prisoners, and published on Wednesday under the title "The leaked audio recording of a heated meeting reveals the hostages' anger against Netanyahu."

In the fourth paragraph of the news site, the following sentence reads: "I heard a woman who was released with her children without her husband say: Our feeling there was that no one had done anything for us. In fact, the place where we were hiding was bombed, we should have been smuggled out with injuries, and helicopters opened fire on us on the Gaza road."

The Israeli news site Walla also quoted on Wednesday the wife of a recently released prisoner as telling members of the War Cabinet at the charged meeting held at the Israeli Defense Ministry headquarters in Tel Aviv on Tuesday evening: "They (the prisoners) are in the tunnels, and you are talking about drowning them with sea water."

In the same context, the Israeli media published a similar discussion between the families of the Israeli detainees and Defense Minister Yoav Galant in front of his home.

Source : Al Jazeera + Anatolia