Teller Report

Tech 24 - Flying cars and supersonic planes: the craziest projects

12/8/2023, 5:27:22 PM

Highlights: The Concorde stopped flying 20 years ago, and so far no supersonic aircraft has managed to catch on with the general public. But projects are multiplying in China, as well as in Switzerland and the United States. In France, the Ecopulse initiative is based on electrical energy. The transport of goods by airship is also a promising avenue... and ecological. This is far from trivial when it comes to building the modes of transport of the future. It's a long way off, but it's a step in the right direction.

The Concorde stopped flying 20 years ago, and so far no supersonic aircraft has managed to catch on with the general public. However, projects are multiplying in China, as well as in Switzerland or...

The Concorde stopped flying 20 years ago, and so far no supersonic aircraft has managed to catch on with the general public. However, projects are multiplying in China, as well as in Switzerland and the United States. In France, the Ecopulse initiative is based on electrical energy. The transport of goods by airship is also a promising avenue... and ecological. This is far from trivial when it comes to building the modes of transport of the future.