Teller Report

Coach Per Nilsson's concern: "Skaters risk competing sick"

12/8/2023, 2:07:54 PM

Highlights: Coach Per Nilsson's concern: "Skaters risk competing sick". A championship-free season makes the overall World Cup the big goal for the cross-country skiers. Nilsson sees the risk that they push themselves too hard despite illness. "It feels a bit wrong, I think," he told Norwegian broadcaster NRK. Covid infection has caused problems for several cross- country skiers at the start of the season. One of those who has been affected is Frida Karlsson who missed the World Cup weekend in Gällivare.

A championship-free season makes the overall World Cup the big goal for the cross-country skiers. Then coach Per Nilsson sees the risk that they push themselves too hard despite illness. "It feels a bit wrong, I think," he told Norwegian broadcaster NRK.

Covid infection has caused problems for several cross-country skiers at the start of the season.

One of those who has been affected is Frida Karlsson who, like several other Swedish stars, missed the World Cup weekend in Gällivare.

Her coach Per Nilsson, who also coaches the German women's national team, sees a risk that skaters will be eager to compete despite being unwell – because so many VC points are at stake.

"It can be unfortunate for the health of the hauliers," he told NRK.

All races count: "Should be cancelled"

In cross-country skiing, all World Cup competitions count. Therefore, one skier can win the overall even though another skier who has been absent due to illness wins more races.

"Personally, I think you should be allowed to cancel competitions from the World Cup as you did in biathlon before," says Per Nilsson.

In biathlon, skiers until the 2022 season had to discount their two worst results. But then that rule was removed – which created similar reactions in biathlon as the one Per Nilsson has now.

Elvira Öberg on the rule change (22 September 2022):

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Elvira Öberg was one of the biathletes who was critical of the new rule: "You might feel forced to compete with a cold" Photo: SVT