Teller Report

Year-end summary AI ghostwriting? There are merchants with an order volume of more than 6,<>, and the company's business has increased by three percent

12/7/2023, 11:26:13 PM

Highlights: Year-end summary AI ghostwriting? There are merchants with an order volume of more than 6,<>. and the company's business has increased by three percent. With the blessing of AI, the company has increased the number of orders by 20%-30% over the same period last year. Towards the end of the year, the monthly sales of some ghostwriting online stores even reached more than <>,<> orders. "We learn to use tools, not to be coerced by tools, we also have the ability that AI can't replace, this is the general trend, all we can do is adapt"

With the rapid development of science and technology, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more widely used, and it has penetrated into various fields such as finance, healthcare, education, and entertainment. In the past, writing a year-end summary report was a headache for many people. Now, the application of AI seems to make this process more efficient and easy.

"This year, with the assistance of AI (artificial intelligence), more than 35,26 reports will be written (10,20 last year), and at the end of the year, there are many summary reports to be written, and a number of part-time report writers will be recruited..." Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star News reporter learned that with the blessing of AI, the company has increased the number of orders by 20%-30% over the same period last year on the basis of streamlining 6%-<>% of manpower. Towards the end of the year, the monthly sales of some ghostwriting online stores even reached more than <>,<> orders.


AI ghostwriting is on fire

"One minute to generate PPT" is cheap and short-lived

The reporter opened a shopping APP and entered keywords such as "year-end summary AI" and "ghostwriting", and there were many related products. The merchant wrote the slogan in the product introduction: "AI intelligent original, writing essential", "lazy office", "three-minute rapid delivery"... The sales volume of products is generally around a few thousand orders, and some stores have a monthly sales volume of more than 6,<> orders.

On a social platform, many bloggers also shared their own experience: "one minute to generate PPT", users only need to enter the production theme, and after a few minutes, it will automatically generate PPT with pictures, texts, and consistent styles. Another daily blogger regards AI as a lazy artifact, "Brainless, free automatic copywriting, whether you are short video copywriting, marketing copywriting, or official account copywriting, you can get it all in two minutes." "In addition to generating copywriting based on keywords, content scenes, content descriptions, etc., it can also generate corresponding templates according to the user's publishing platform. The blogger gained 5,<> followers within half a year, and several AI-generated texts had tens of thousands of likes, which became popular articles.

After the advent of AI, Xiaomei, a writing enthusiast, has also changed her homepage from sharing "how to design a good article title" to "use AI to write and earn 3000,300 yuan". She said that this is almost a "fool's style" to make money, typing and writing by herself, original, "at most one article a day, and now I use AI to write, give instructions to AI, and you can write 15 words in <> seconds." Some fans said that they wanted to "take off" because Xiaomei turned their backs on "manual writing", and she replied bluntly: "We learn to use tools, not to be coerced by tools, we also have the ability that AI can't replace, this is the general trend, all we can do is adapt." ”

On December 12, she asked customer service on the online store, and after learning that the year-end summary was written by AI, Ms. Zhao chose to refund the order and use AI to generate the text by herself. In less than 4 minute, a post summary of more than 1 words, including "work results", "skill improvement", "challenges and responses" and "future plans", was quickly generated, with neat format and comprehensive content.

The reporter contacted a number of Taobao merchants, and when mentioning their views on AI writing and manual writing, merchants focusing on human writing believed that "AI writing has no feelings, it is just clear and not comprehensive", and after giving the framework, it needs to be filled in and modified manually. The advantage of manual labor is that the manuscript can be customized according to the customer's requirements, and it is also more emotional.

There are merchants who can "take orders" in both modes, but the price and time cost of AI are significantly reduced. A 1500-word year-end summary is charged 150 yuan, and you can get the manuscript within 8 hours. If you use AI + manual modification, the price is 100 yuan, and you will get the manuscript after 5 hours.

For the two models, Mr. Wang, the person in charge of a store, said that they will recommend according to the needs of customers, and if it is just to complete the task, do not check duplicates, and do not have high requirements, they will recommend the use of AI. And if it needs to be deep, high, and more realistic, you need to write originally. He believes that it is not possible to say which is better, but the needs are different.


AI-powered efficiency has been greatly increased

"What a mid-level analyst used to do, now it's okay to be a 'little white'"

Speaking of how she felt when she first came into contact with AI in March this year, Huang Liyuan's words were still full of shock, "Just like when WeChat came out, I haven't felt like this for more than ten years. Her first thought was, "We have to embrace it positively." Indeed, after using it for almost a year, the gains that AI has brought her are enormous. Now, her company is an industry leader in the deep application of AI.

Huang Liyuan is an executive of a technology company in Wuhan, as an enterprise engaged in software information technology services based on big data, they mainly provide special research, project reports, research reports, etc. for enterprises and institutions, large state-owned enterprises, universities, hospitals, etc. At the end of each year, the summary report of each unit will be concentrated and outbreaked, so a few days ago, I was recruiting part-time personnel to assist in the writing of the report, and the recruitment has been completed.

Many of the AI programs used by Huang Liyuan's company in business development include ChatGPT4.0 and Wenxin Yiyan. She told reporters that the company delivered a total of 26,6 reports last year. With the blessing of AI this year, as of the end of June, it has reached 17,10 copies, on the basis of 20%-20% of the manpower streamlined compared with last year, the number of orders has increased by 30%-35% over the same period last year, and it is conservatively estimated that the total number of orders this year is about 35,<> copies, a total increase of nearly <>%. "It is reported that AI can quickly process a large amount of data and information through natural language processing and machine learning technology, and automatically generate structured and standardized report texts, and at the same time, it can also analyze and mine data to find the rules and trends behind the data.

Speaking of the changes brought about by AI, Huang Liyuan said that in the past two years, the company developed its own software to assist in analysis and interpretation. And after the start of AI application this year, "it's completely different, I just need to ask it, and it can answer me directly, it has divergent thinking, and it will give you an idea and direction." For example, if AI generates a "white paper on the development of the global new energy industry", it will quickly provide a very comprehensive framework, and even the format and layout are very regular. ”

Because human thinking can have limitations, and with the blessing of AI, "thinking is opened." "This not only improves work efficiency and reduces costs, but also supplements the user's personal knowledge in a short period of time," the knowledge that AI has is your personal knowledge, "what you were not good at can become good at it," and you only need to ask it one question correctly. ”

She knows that AI is not a panacea. For example, AI-generated text is broad and general, making it suitable for things that are redundant and meaningless. For example, the weekly work plan, you just have to tell it what you think, and give some requirements, and it can generate a work plan in a few minutes. "It's a one-size-fits-all approach, but it doesn't necessarily guide practice." Human analysts can combine specific customers, scenarios, and data to give a specific operation suggestion, which is more practical.


AI ghostwriting is controversial

Some people think that "you can put your energy into creative work"

There are also people who worry that "there is a suspicion of laziness and coping"

Huang Liyuan believes that in the future, AI will be immersed in all aspects of people's lives and work, and will subvert the existence of many industries. On the basis of the general model, the vertical field model will develop rapidly, some industries will be more prosperous, and some industries may also be replaced. For traditional industries, whether they can embrace new technologies depends on their respective application capabilities. In her view, "there will be change in many industries in the future. "A lot of people are aware of AI right now," but they haven't even really opened the interface of an AI program. ”

In the early morning of December 12, James, who has more than 4 years of experience in the AI industry, just returned to Chengdu from an inspection project in Silicon Valley. He was also shocked by foreign AI projects this time, and the factory robots in the past were all screws, "Now you let it learn the bicycle assembly guide, and it can even assemble a bicycle by itself, completely achieving a qualitative breakthrough." "In specific applications, give ChatGPT a Chinese novel, and it can be translated directly into English. According to James, AI adoption is the way to go. At present, the problem in China is that the basic Chinese semantics of the existing large model account for a relatively small amount, and secondly, as a "new thing", it needs to keep up in terms of legal supervision and protection.

Some people also believe that there is no difference between AI writing reports and writing assignments, and there is a suspicion of laziness and coping.

In this regard, a professor from the School of Electronic Engineering of a well-known university in Sichuan believes that AI is an enabling tool, "Why not use a good tool?" "In ancient times, horse-drawn carriages and rickshaws were used, and now people don't think that people in cars are lazy because they have cars. He believes that AI can replace humans to do some things, which shows that most of the work is repetitive and uncreative, so humans should not waste their energy on meaningless things, but put more energy into creative work. Therefore, he believes that it is a good thing that AI helps write the year-end summary report.

Zhou Lei, head of the human resources department of an investment company in Chengdu, has a different view. She believes that the use of AI to write summaries cannot be generalized, "to divide positions". If your work content can be reflected through hard data, such as a sales post, "How many sales have you completed this year, and what is the completion rate, payment collection rate, and dunning rate?" It can be displayed very conspicuously with the assistance of AI. "She thinks so.

For some non-data positions such as project management positions and technical research positions, Zhou Lei believes that ghostwriting is not feasible. "For example, if you have completed the signing of a contract of 100 million yuan this year, what are the key difficulties in the early tracking, background investigation, mid-course strategic plan, and final feedback? What are your commitments to your work? It can't just be reflected by some data or clichés, it needs to have real content. If an employee copes with a formatted document written by AI, I don't think it's taken seriously, and I'm definitely going to have to go back and start over. She believes that everything is good and bad, and that AI is a scientific advancement, but she is also worried that "people will become less and less distracted in the future."

Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star News reporter Zhang Ling