Teller Report

When the masked man contributes to endearing the Arabic language to people and highlighting its beauty

12/7/2023, 12:26:05 PM

Highlights: When the masked man contributes to endearing the Arabic language to people and highlighting its beauty. Abu Obeida, spokesman for the "Qassam" Brigades (social media) has become a symbol of youth in his presence and attitudes. The more the speaker has a greater position and responsibility, the uglier the melody is today when it comes from a ruler. The danger of linguistic laceration on the tongues of leaders and symbols. The importance of the language and the need to learn, teach and master it.

His red popular veil, his green band and his military uniform, he appears with crowds, young and old, his face is absent and his voice is present, people do not know his features but sing to hear his speech, and he has become a symbol of youth in his presence and attitudes.

Abu Obeida, spokesman for the "Qassam" Brigades (social media)

His red band, his green band and his military uniform appear and the crowds, young and old, watched him, his face was absent and his voice was present, people do not know his features, but they sing to hear his speech, the masked Abu Obeida, the military spokesman for the resistance in Gaza, tomorrow today is a symbol of youth in his presence, positions and speech.

I don't think anyone ever thought that in this era we would listen to political or war speeches in the manner in which Muslims were preached in the early days of Islam, the Umayyad era and the ages that followed.

It is a great feeling to see yourself, your family and all the loyal people and people who yearn for freedom and peace from your people and your partner, motivated to listen to the speech of one man, to capture the true news, the news of certainty, and the bird of happiness on a board of Arabic words and a clear tongue.

Especially after what we have seen of the strange and suspicious duality in the treatment of Arab politicians and rulers with the Arabic language, speeches declaring the importance of the Arabic language and the need to learn, teach and master it, and a tongue that is unable to complete a sentence in a speech in front of the masses or peers.

The more the speaker has a greater position and responsibility, the uglier and more heinous the melody, the uglier the melody is today when it comes from a ruler!

The danger of linguistic laceration on the tongues of leaders and symbols

Although we all agree that the linguistic abuse and weakness of the speech of the speaker drops his prestige whatsoever, but the ugliness and his minister increases with the growing status, destiny and responsibility, the more the speaker has a position and responsibility greater the melody uglier and uglier, the melody uglier what is today when issued by a ruler!

It is stated in the "Dictionary of Writers" by Yaqut al-Hamawi that he said: "Abu Ja'far al-Mansur spoke in a council in which there were Arabs; Then the third melody spoke, and the Arab said: I testify that I have given this matter by decree and destiny!"

Al-Arabi saw that Al-Mansour did not deserve to be judged because he saw in his council the melody in his tongue, so what about this Arabist today and what would he say if he had attended an Arab summit in which the rulers display crooked tongues, statements contradictory to the nature of the situation, and various forms of hidden and obvious melody?

However, we also agree with deep certainty that if this same Arabist had been present today and listened to the masked man's wonderful speeches, he would have seen the Arabic language dancing with the crowds nailing in front of the screens. Today, we are waiting for the sermons of Abu Obeida, old and young, so we hear, listen, observe, realize, rejoice, be proud and exalt. Perhaps we look at some of the factors that are present in the speeches of the masked and contribute to endearing Arabic to people and highlighting its beauty.

We note in the speeches of Abu Obaida that he is keen to diversify between the news style and the construction style, the presence of construction methods in their multiple forms from call to interrogation, exclamation, etc., in speech and speech has a great impact in attracting attention recipients and mobilizing their wounds

  • The first factor: the ingenuity of initiation and care for the origins of rhetoric and its arts

The masked man addresses us to apply the Sunan of the first two in the discourse, and takes care of the origins of the art of rhetoric, so he does not lose sight of the preparation in it to attend the mind and attract the recipients, so he begins with the basmala and praise God, thanking and praising him, to move to prayers and peace be upon the Holy Prophet and all Muslims, using verses from the Holy Quran in the context of jihad to remind of the reward of the mujahideen, the Almoravids and the patient who are patient for the sake of God, before entering the heart of the matter and presenting the ideas carried by the speech. In one of his sermons, he said: "Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, praise the patient, steadfast and victorious mujahideen, and peace and blessings be upon our martyred mujahid Prophet, his family and companions, and those who fought his jihad, and after..."

  • The second factor: the use of attractive structural methods

After his attractive introduction, Abu Obeida moves to the speech of the sons of Palestine, the Mujahideen Al-Sabirin Al-Aghra Al-Mayameen, and the sons of the Islamic nation as a whole, and every free and honorable person on the face of the planet, the speech of the comprehensive absorbed by using (Ya) as a tool to call the near and far, and its description of all those concerned with the speech, it is more invited to listen and the limbs are all present and ready to capture, understand and realize ideas, as he said: "O sons of our people, the Mujahideen Almoravid Al-Amourat Al-Azim, O our Mujahideen in the gaps of pride, and the sites of strength and pride, O fighters of our nation, O Mujahideen and its extended masses, O The free people of the world who reject injustice and tyranny, peace be upon you..."

We note in the speeches of Abu Obaida that he is keen to diversify between the news style and the construction style, the presence of construction methods in their multiple forms from call to interrogation, exclamation, etc., in speech and discourse has a great impact in attracting attention recipients and mobilizing their wounds and confirming their interaction with the information thrown at them.

  • The third factor: the flow of language, the absence of melody, the cost and concavity

The flow of sound language is correct and smooth on the tongue of the leader for the best motivator for generations and instigator to preserve its language address identity, and what prevailed a nation before without a strong language and influential speech, and what the leaders won what they won from the love of the masses only by what they reached them in the language first and actions second, the language is the speech of minds and hearts at the same time, the slip of the tongue or melody fell its owner, and the strong and tightest contract of talk rose and poisoned its owner, and in that I remember what Ishaq bin said Khalaf known as the son of the doctor of poetry:

Grammar simplifies from the tongue of the Alkin And one magnifies him if he does not tune

The melody of the honorable removes it from his destiny And you see him fall from the eyes

The words of a person is a criterion for evaluating and understanding his personality, the tongue is like a pen that draws the image of the speaker in the minds of the listeners, and Omar Ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "I keep fearing the man until he speaks, and if he speaks, he falls from my eyes or raises himself with me." In this context, I am reminded of what the Greek philosopher Socrates said: "Speak until I see you"; he wanted to emphasize the idea that what one is connected to his speech, and if he utters and expresses the statement, it is as if he revealed his face and revealed his mind to the addressees. Where is Socrates today and where is Omar, may God be pleased with him, from the speeches of many of our esteemed leaders today! The wonder in it today would have prompted them to represent the Arabs' saying: "It is better to hear the Mu'aidi than to see it!"

But the matter has become different with "Abu Obeida", whose speech has become the work of the near and far, and the expectation of the enemy and friend, as the eloquent Arabic is conducted on his tongue fluently does not cost in it, and smoothness does not concave in its performance, so adults and children, educated and common people hear it and realize the purposes of the hadith and its consequences, and feel the sincerity of logic and statement, and such is enough to make Arabic beloved and closer, but the leaders' fluency of the tongue and eloquence is true by defeating the allegations that have been made at night about the dryness of the classical and its ruggedness and distance from the soul, and it is worth making those The accusations are fragile and blown away by the winds of truth, driven by words full of confidence and logic as smooth as albumen water.

When you listen to a speaker you are familiar with and love, it is as if you are watching a work of art that appeals to you and contemplates it, and this is more likely to feel empathy and admiration for the conversation and its author before deeply realizing its purpose.

  • Fourth factor: activation of different types of listening at the recipient

Talking about the importance of linguistic fluency of leaders and its effects in listeners takes us to what was said about the types of listening, as educational scholars have enumerated about nineteen types of listening, and some of them apply to the situation of the masses as they listen to the statement of the masked; Listening to the masked person includes other types of listening, such as aesthetic listening taste, when you listen to a speaker you are familiar with and love, it is as if you are watching a work of art that appeals to you and meditates on it, and this is more likely to feel empathy and admiration for the conversation and its author before deeply realizing its intention. It also includes critical listening, and this type is practiced by political analysts from alliances and enemies, and some recipients from the general public who are interested in what is behind words and the outcome of things, so the goal of listening is to define frameworks and make decisions to resolve positions.

What we have witnessed from the desire of young children to listen to the masked man as a leader is sympathetic and enjoyable listening, as the recipient is in a state of admiration, love, appreciation and eagerness to listen and interact.

These are some of the factors that contribute to the endearment of the Arabic language to people if the presence of a wonderful splendor on the lips of those who dwelt in their hearts and took their hearts, so it became a captivating presence and an interesting conversation.

May listening and words be enough to sharpen the motivation and move the consciences of the rest of the leaders concerned, as they move them in the hearts of peoples and living souls to work to turn the political tables upside down and push decision-makers to end the plays of inability and normalization, but they have already said, they are like those who were portrayed in the Almighty's saying in Surat Al-Furqan / 44: ﴿Or do you think that most of them hear or reason, if they are only like cattle, but they are the slightest way.