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The total amount of contracts signed at the 2023 Dongguan Global Investment Conference is 2180 billion yuan

12/7/2023, 3:36:35 AM

Highlights: The total amount of contracts signed at the 2023 Dongguan Global Investment Conference is 2180 billion yuan. The conference will focus on six key industries, including new energy, digital economy, biomedicine and high-end equipment manufacturing. The launching ceremony of the 2000 billion high-quality development fund and the investment promotion ceremony of 45,12000 acres of industrial land were held at the conference. The total area of 15 industrial lands launched for the world is <>.<> acres, and <> industrial lands that can be delisted for land supply within half a year were released., Dongguan, December 12 (Xu Qingqing, Li Shu) The 7 Dongguan Global Investment Conference was held on the afternoon of the 2023th, with 6 industrial projects signed at the conference and a total investment of 359 billion yuan, covering a new generation of information technology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy, digital economy and other fields, which will inject strong new momentum into the high-quality development of Dongguan's economy.

On December 12, the 6 Dongguan Global Investment Conference was held. Photo courtesy of the Propaganda Department of the Dongguan Municipal Party Committee

With the theme of "Thousands of Dongguan Chains to the World", Dongguan is the main venue, and five sub-venues are set up in Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Germany and the United States. Xiao Yafei, Secretary of the Dongguan Municipal Party Committee, said in his speech that Dongguan has developed from a traditional agricultural county to the 5th "double thousand" city in the country by relying on investment promotion. He said that today's Dongguan attaches more importance to investment promotion than ever before, and will focus on six key industries, including new energy, digital economy, biomedicine, high-end equipment manufacturing, and modern high-end service industry, to attract strong investment, with special funds and land to guarantee.

The launching ceremony of the 2000 billion high-quality development fund and the investment promotion ceremony of 45,12000 acres of industrial land were held at the conference. It is understood that the high-quality development fund system is composed of six fund groups, including a special fund for investment promotion, an industrial transformation and development fund, an innovation and entrepreneurship fund, an industrial investment fund, a strategic emerging industry guidance fund, and an urban development fund, covering the development needs of the whole life cycle of enterprises. The total area of 15 industrial lands launched for the world is <>,<> acres, and <> industrial lands that can be delisted for land supply within half a year were released at the meeting, focusing on the introduction of high-quality enterprises in the direction of new energy, digital economy industry, biomedicine, high-end equipment manufacturing, modern high-end service industry and other industries.

Lv Chengqi, deputy secretary of the Dongguan Municipal Party Committee and mayor, said that Dongguan will attract leading enterprises with greater courage, whether it is land space or capital allocation and investment, whether it is landing efficiency or financial incentives and subsidies, other cities can do it, Dongguan can do it, and strive to do better. Dongguan will also support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises with more pragmatic measures, and continue to attract foreign investment and foreign enterprises with a broader vision. As long as it is a high-quality project, a high-quality enterprise and an excellent talent, Dongguan will do its best to do a good job of docking guarantee with the greatest sincerity, the best service and the highest efficiency. (ENDS)