Teller Report

The PP denounces that the Efe agency has "a Sanchista stamp" with the appointment of Miguel Ángel Oliver

12/7/2023, 10:37:37 AM

Highlights: Miguel Ángel Oliver has been appointed as president of the Efe news agency. The Popular Party (PP) says he is not a suitable candidate for the post. The party has asked the government to reverse his appointment. The appointment is part of a plan to make the news agency more democratic, the PP says. The government says it will review its relations with Efe after the appointment. It says the appointment is not in the best interests of the public or of the media.

The Popular Party on Thursday asked the government to reverse the appointment of Miguel Ángel Oliver as president of the Efe news agency because it considers that it does not...

  • Communication The Government places former Secretary of State for Communication Miguel Ángel Oliver as president of the Efe news agency

The Popular Party on Thursday asked the government to reverse the appointment of Miguel Ángel Oliver as president of the Efe news agency because it considers that he is not a suitable profile for the position after his time in La Moncloa and is part of the PSOE's strategy of "subordinating the interest of the public media" to its "organic needs".

"The fact that Pedro Sánchez places the former head of information of La Moncloa at the head of a public information agency demonstrates, not only his interest in using the state-owned media for personal benefit, but also that he has renounced even to do so with the slightest dissimulation," said PP sources, who deplored that "Efe becomes another institution to which the PSOE puts a Sanchista stamp."

The main opposition party announced that it will ask for explanations in parliament and, in turn, warned that it will not review its relations with the management of the public media "out of respect for the professionals who suffer the consequences of a partisan leadership."

"This appointment also harms the workers of the Efe agency, since it will call into question their professionalism as they are under the orders of a political commissar of Sánchez. All our consideration for the workers of Efe and RTVE," the same sources added.

They also said that it is "very shameful" to observe how Sánchez "occupies all the institutions that Feijóo proposed to depoliticize with independent profiles" in his plan for democratic quality and alluded to the latest decisions of the judicial bodies, which considered that the appointment of Magdalena Valerio as president of the Council of State and Álvaro García Ortiz as attorney general were not suitable.

"In the appointment of the president of Efe there is the same partisan interest that there was in those appointments or putting two senior Moncloa officials in the Constitutional Court, a minister in the Attorney General's Office, or the head of Ferraz's demoscopic apparatus at the head of the CIS. The new generation of Sanchismo continues to advance in its institutional colonization, putting at risk the prestige of entities that are a brand of Spain such as the Efe Agency," the PP continued.

For all these reasons, the party led by Feijóo asked the government for a review of Oliver's appointment as president of Efe and demanded that it cease its strategy of "subordinating the interest of the public media to the organic needs of the PSOE".

  • PP
  • PSOE
  • CIS
  • Constitutional court
  • Magdalena Valerio
  • Pedro Sanchez