Teller Report

The integration of the Yangtze River Delta in the past five years: drawing a "concentric circle" of high-quality development

12/7/2023, 2:46:11 AM

Highlights: Three years ago, the 3.585-meter-long Yuandang Slow Traffic Bridge (large-scale landscape pedestrian bridge) was completed. At the end of June this year, the Qingpu Bridge of the Shanghai-Suzhou-Lake Railway was successfully closed. On December 12, two more roads connecting Shanghai and Kunshan were "double-connected" This also means that the first batch of six "dead-end roads" between Suzhou and Shanghai included in the "Yangtze River Delta Region Inter-provincial Dead-end Road Agreement"

The waves are as flat as a mirror, and the "bridge" sees the south of the Yangtze River. Located at the junction of Qingpu in Shanghai and Wujiang in Jiangsu, they are the scenery of the "water town living room" and the surging rhythm of the Yangtze River Delta ecological green integrated development demonstration area.

Three years ago, the 3.585-meter-long Yuandang Slow Traffic Bridge (large-scale landscape pedestrian bridge) was completed, and another Yuandang Traffic Bridge (Highway Bridge) was also opened to traffic at the same time as the cut-off road project between the two places; At the end of June this year, in the center of Yuandang Lake, the Qingpu Bridge (Railway Bridge) of the Shanghai-Suzhou-Lake Railway was successfully closed, and the "demonstration area on the track" was roaring.

Not only in the field of transportation construction, since the demonstration zone was unveiled in November 2019, it has carefully created a "model room for regional integration" through planning a map, environmental protection a ruler, and a game of chess.

On November 11, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium on in-depth promotion of the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta in Shanghai, pointing out that it is necessary to enhance the awareness of integration, adhere to the idea of a game of chess, increase the innovation of systems and institutional mechanisms, and achieve greater breakthroughs in key areas and key regions.

In the past five years, from the 5,2413 square kilometers of the Yangtze River Delta Ecological Green Integrated Development Demonstration Zone to the 35,8 square kilometers of the Yangtze River Delta, the hardware connectivity and mechanism coordination have been driven by two wheels, and the bonsai has been enlarged into a landscape, and the three provinces and one city have jointly drawn a "concentric circle" of high-quality integrated development.

Land and water go hand in hand, and the transportation network is becoming denser and denser

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the cross-regional convergence of various transportation network infrastructure standards and improve the level of infrastructure interconnection.

"Take Line 11 to work, you can get to the company in 20 minutes, and the train runs every 5 minutes." After graduating from Shanghai Second Polytechnic University, Li Huai, a young man born in the 90s, worked for SAIC Volkswagen, chose to buy a house in Kunshan, Suzhou, and settled down, going back and forth between Shanghai and Kunming every day, and living in the twin cities is very convenient.

Li Huai is referring to Line 11, referring to the "Double 11" subway between Shanghai and Suzhou, which held hands at Huaqiao Station in Kunshan in June this year. The subway is seamlessly connected across provinces, connecting the city centers of the two cities, which is the first time in China.

Kunshan connects with Shanghai Avenue and Shengli Road in Qingpu District, Shanghai, and builds a new bridge on the Wusong River. Photo courtesy of Kunshan Rong Media Center

Since the beginning of this year, good traffic news between the two places has come one after another. On December 12, two more roads connecting Shanghai and Kunshan were "double-connected". This also means that the first batch of six "dead-end roads" between Suzhou and Shanghai included in the "Yangtze River Delta Region Inter-provincial Dead-end Road Cooperation Framework Agreement" have all been connected.

In the past five years, Anhui Province has also continued to carry out special actions on inter-provincial road sections to be penetrated, with the basic elimination of inter-provincial "broken roads", the encrypted expansion of inter-provincial high-speed corridors, and the cancellation of 5 provincial highway toll stations.

Wang Jinlong, who lives in Nanping Village, She County, Anhui Province, has already tasted the sweetness of improved transportation. In the past, he was mainly constrained by the inconvenience of mountain road traffic, and it was difficult for him to expand his local characteristics. At the end of last year, the Huangqian Expressway (Huangshan-Qiandao Lake) at the door of the house was opened to traffic, and the 100-kilometer-long "Anhui and Zhejiang No. 1 Scenic Road" ushered in a widening and upgrading. When the loquat is ripe in the summer, he is busy sending away the goods ordered by netizens online by express delivery, and on the other hand, tourists with "Shanghai", "Jiangsu" and "Zhejiang" license plates always have to put a basket of loquat in the trunk when they return.

The "Yangtze River Delta on the track" is gradually approaching - the South Yangtze River high-speed railway has been opened in September this year, and the North Yangtze River high-speed railway will be completed, and a new fast channel will be formed between the Shanghai metropolitan area, the Nanjing metropolitan area and the Hefei metropolitan area. According to the plan, by 9, the Yangtze River Delta rail transit service will cover 2025% of the cities and towns with a permanent population of more than 80,5.

Today, the interconnection of the three provinces and one city has gradually upgraded from "connecting blood vessels" to "opening up meridians". At the same time, with the comprehensive shortening of the distance between time and space on land, the integration of water transportation has further enhanced the radiation power of the Yangtze River Delta to the river and the sea.

On December 12 this year, 1 new energy vehicles were packed in turn at Anzhou Wharf in Changzhou Port and loaded to Shanghai Port for sea through "water and water transfer". Cheng Tao, the relevant person in charge of the shipping company, introduced that unlike the previous loading and departure from Shanghai Port, which needed to be declared in advance and queued for approval, now it can be approved directly in Changzhou Port, and the goods will be transferred to the big ship as soon as they arrive in Shanghai, which can save 400 days of time, and each TEU can save about 7,1500 yuan in freight, a decrease of 20%. This is the convenience brought by the integration of transportation organizations in Shanghai and Jiangsu waters in September this year.

In fact, the linkage between the port of Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta river and sea ports is becoming more and more frequent. Chery's new energy vehicles also do not need to be declared for customs transfer, and they sail across the ocean from Wuhu Port in Anhui Province through Yangshan Port in Shanghai. Shanghai Port has also established a joint venture with Lianyungang Port to set up an interconnected container company, and launched the "Lianshen Express", which allows containers to transit through Lianyungang for export or rail goods to Shanghai for export by taking this kind of transfer branch line similar to "interport bus".

With the further improvement of the energy level of the Shanghai International Shipping Center, the world-class port cluster in the Yangtze River Delta is accelerating its rise.

In the designated pharmacy of medical insurance in Jiashan, Zhejiang, residents of Wujiang District, Suzhou swiped their social security cards to buy medicines. Photo courtesy of the Propaganda Department of the Jiashan County Party Committee

Cross-district connection, convenient sharing of service circles

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to gradually promote the convergence of basic public service systems, policy coordination, and standard convergence, and promote the convenience and sharing of public services in various fields by category.

For the 2 million residents of the Yangtze River Delta, the most direct experience of integrated development is the "same city" and "quality" of life, which covers public services such as transportation, medical care, and elderly care.

In the Yangtze River Delta Ecological Green Integrated Development Demonstration Zone, the flow of people is frequent, and it is common to seek medical treatment in other places. One month ago, Ms. Yu, a resident of Shanghai, suddenly became unwell in Jiashan, Zhejiang Province, and was sent to the First People's Hospital of Jiashan County for treatment, and was admitted to the hospital for treatment after diagnosis. During the hospitalization, a total of 1,37921.47 yuan of medical expenses were incurred. When she was discharged from the hospital, Ms. Yu used the medical insurance code to realize the real-time settlement of medical insurance expenses for medical treatment in other places - the medical insurance fund reimbursed 32404,12.5517 yuan, and the individual paid 35,<>.<> yuan. "You don't have to run around and toss, and you don't have to pay in advance and then reimburse." After experiencing it herself, Ms. Yu sincerely praised such a measure to benefit the people.

Today, more than 41,1 medical institutions in 5 cities in the Yangtze River Delta have achieved cross-provincial direct settlement. At the beginning of this year, the demonstration zone also promoted the first batch of pilot "cross-regional credit" medical scenarios, where residents can "diagnose and treat first, and then pay" with their own credit lines in pilot hospitals.

Not only that, the Jiashan County Medical Insurance Bureau also discussed with the medical insurance departments of Qingpu in Shanghai and Wujiang in Jiangsu Province, breaking through the previous policy barriers that cross-provincial retail pharmacies could not be included in the scope of basic medical insurance payment. At present, a total of 817 designated retail pharmacies within the demonstration zone have opened inter-provincial direct settlement services.

The performance of public services in the field of elderly care has also become more prominent. The advent of a number of remote pension institutions in the Yangtze River Delta has brought pension resources into a sharing mode, and more and more "silver-haired people" have enjoyed the happiness brought by coordinated development. In the past two days, there has been an endless stream of elderly people who have checked in to the Jiurucheng Nursing Center in Yixing City, Jiangsu Province, and Xu Dexin, an elderly man from Shanghai, has come here for the second time to live and care for the elderly.

"Yixing is the hometown of longevity and our ideal place for retirement." What attracted Xu Dexin was that in addition to the age-appropriate sojourn suites and scientifically designed nutrition packages, there are also professional medical staff to provide medical care services such as elderly care and health management.

Back in October 2021, a symposium on the integrated development of elderly care services in the Yangtze River Delta was held in Yixing City. At the meeting, Yixing in Jiangsu, Changxing in Zhejiang and Guangde in Anhui signed an agreement to establish the country's first cross-provincial and county-level demonstration benchmark area for happy pension. Lively scenes such as the Jiurucheng Elderly Care Center are now the norm, and since the beginning of this year, the elderly care center has served more than 10,1 elderly people.

"The Yangtze River Delta region is geographically close, culturally connected, and connected, which has laid a cultural foundation for the integration of regional elderly care services." Yang Wei, the person in charge of Jiurucheng Elderly Care Center, witnessed the changes in Yixing after being shortlisted for the first batch of Yangtze River Delta long-distance elderly care institutions in 2020.

In Yang Wei's view, the intimacy of public services such as remote settlement of medical insurance and regional general transportation cards has made the happy and high-quality pension of "migratory birds" into reality and gradually sought after.

It is understood that since the launch of the Yangtze River Delta "One Network Office" in May 2019, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Anhui have made efforts in the same direction, and 5 services have been launched successively, and innovative measures to break through the restrictions of administrative divisions have emerged.

The park is jointly built, and the industrial chain is complementary and win-win

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to promote cross-regional co-construction and sharing, orderly promote the cross-regional transfer of industries and the rational allocation of production factors, so that the Yangtze River Delta can truly become a regional development community.

In the past five years, Shanghai's industries have shifted to Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui in an orderly manner, and the industries in Jiangsu and Zhejiang have also been transferred to Anhui in an orderly manner, and the industrial coordination of the four regions has been increasingly strengthened, and Anhui has undoubtedly become the biggest beneficiary of the industrial transfer of the Yangtze River Delta.

Zhangjiang Yangtze River Delta Science and Technology City, spanning Shanghai and Zhejiang, is jointly built by Zhangjiang Jinshan Park and Zhangjiang Pinghu Park in Zhangjiang National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone, with a total planning area of 87 square kilometers, 45 square kilometers in Pinghu City, Zhejiang Province, and 42 square kilometers in Jinshan District, Shanghai.

Take Anhui Xuancheng as an example, it was not conspicuous in the economic map of the Yangtze River Delta in the past, but now it has become the first stop of Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang industries "moving westward". According to the data provided by Xuancheng City, from 2018 to the end of October 2023, a total of 10 projects of more than 278 million yuan have been signed in Xuancheng Economic and Technological Development Zone, with projects in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai accounting for more than half, of which 21% are in Zhejiang, 19% in Shanghai, and 15% in Jiangsu.

Recently, Tengya Seiko, a "little giant" enterprise in Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, officially opened a new plant built in Bowang District, Ma'anshan, Anhui Province. In the 12,8-square-meter modern factory, the production line of stamped and machined parts is running at full capacity. "We started to move the production line to Bowang District in September, and the commissioning was put in place in November, and the production capacity here has been greatly increased compared to the original!" Sun Debin, general manager of Tengya Group, said.

The "Outline of the Yangtze River Delta Regional Integration Development Plan" clearly states that "support Jiangning-Bowang and other inter-provincial adjacent regions to carry out in-depth cooperation and promote cross-regional industry-city integrated development". In July 2021, the Management Committee of the New Functional Zone in the Inter-Provincial Adjacent Area of Ningma was officially launched. Sun Debin said that at that time, the company planned to leave its R&D and sales posts in Nanjing, and move its production base to Bowang, which borders Jiangning, "which is an adjustment of our productivity layout."

The inter-provincial neighboring Nanqiao District of Chuzhou and Pukou District of Nanjing are also getting closer and closer due to industrial linkage. In June this year, the two districts launched to explore the cooperation model of "production in Nanqiao, research and development in Pukou". In recent years, the Pukou-Nanqiao Cross-border Integration Cooperation Demonstration Zone has attracted 6 projects with a total investment of 48.436 billion yuan through co-construction, sharing and scientific and technological support models.

"We have established a mechanism for exchange and consultation, information sharing, and explored the establishment of an integrated mechanism for investment promotion." The relevant person in charge of Pukou High-tech Zone said that the two sides are focusing on the key areas of the Yangtze River Delta to attract big and strong, and up to 75% of the projects currently settled in the cooperation demonstration zone are from the Yangtze River Delta region.

Five years of hard work, drawing a "concentric circle". Promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta is a big article, and it is necessary to coordinate hardware connectivity and mechanism coordination with both "soft and hard" and work for a long time. On the road of building a regional development community, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui work hand in hand, and the mission is like a rock.

"Deepen the coordinated development of inter-provincial adjacent regions and promote cross-regional park cooperation." The 2023 Yangtze River Delta Regional Leaders Symposium made it clear that they will further break down administrative barriers, improve policy coordination, promote the implementation of more major platforms and major projects, and work together to promote new and greater breakthroughs in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, and make greater contributions to building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. (Zhao Dengyan, Gu Shushu, Kang Mengqi, Hu Yusong, Zhang Yufeng, Wang Jiliang, Zhang Hantian)