Teller Report

The first PRIORITY Asia Summit was held in Hong Kong to deepen the relationship between Hong Kong and the Middle East

12/7/2023, 7:56:02 AM

Highlights: The first PRIORITY Asia Summit was held in Hong Kong to deepen the relationship between Hong Kong and the Middle East. Representatives from the Saudi Arabian government and business leaders from around the world attended the summit. Hong Kong was chosen to host the first Asia Summit because of its international advantages and role as a business and service hub for the entire Asian region. The summit was organized by the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Exchanges Group (HKEX) and the Saudi Arabia Future Investment Initiative (FII)

China News Service, Hong Kong, December 12 (Reporter Dai Xiaolu) Since the 7th, the first "PRIORITY Asia Summit" has been held in Hong Kong for two consecutive days. Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee said the two-day meeting would deepen relations between Hong Kong and the Middle East, especially Saudi Arabia.

It is understood that the summit is co-organized by the Hong Kong SAR Government, the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Exchanges Group (HKEX) and the Saudi Arabian Future Investment Initiative (FII) Institute, with the theme of "Shaping the Future of Mankind". Representatives from the Saudi Arabian government and sovereign wealth funds, as well as a number of political, business, financial leaders and investors from around the world, participated in the summit to discuss the rapid pace of urbanization and digital transformation in Asia, and how Asia is driving the global megatrends that will shape the future.

Mr Lee said in his speech that under the "One Country, Two Systems" principle, Hong Kong is one of the most competitive and freest economies in the world, and the free flow of capital and talent, as well as a sound common law system, will help Hong Kong maintain its status as an international financial centre in the long run. At the same time, Hong Kong also plays the role of a "super-connector", connecting the mainland and the rest of the world in many aspects, including economy and culture.

The Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government, Mr Paul Chan, said that under the "one country, two systems" principle, Hong Kong is an ideal place to gather international talents, and an excellent platform for enterprises to explore the Mainland and Asian markets.

HKEX Chairman Laura Cha said that in recent years, in the face of macroeconomic challenges and geopolitical tensions, the world needs connectivity more than ever, and Hong Kong's role as a "super-connector" has become more important, and HKEX needs to focus on diversified financing opportunities in Saudi Arabia, the Middle East and Chinese mainland, as well as the emerging Asian region.

Yasir Al-Rumayyan, President of Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund (PIF), said that in the past few years, FII has held summits in London, New York and other cities to discuss financial development, and Hong Kong was chosen to host the first Asia Summit because of Hong Kong's international advantages and role as a business and service hub for the mainland and the entire Asian region. (ENDS)