Teller Report

The Arcane of Europe

12/7/2023, 7:37:09 PM

Highlights: The EU and NATO are the two whips that are now driving Ukraine to the slaughter, writes Alexander Nekrassov. In the West, they want to finish off and dismember Russia, he says. But there is "but" in this whole story, which is the hierarchy of the Western world, Nekrassi says. The whip creates the illusion of omnipotence and substitute power in the Old World, he adds. The stakes are too high, when the stakes are so high, says Nekrascov.

"Hungarian politicians openly state that they are against Ukraine starting negotiations on joining the EU. They understand all the consequences of such a process and call for their analysis in advance. They see that the whip for Ukraine is gradually turning into a lasso around the neck of Europe, which deprives them of the will and ability to make decisions."

A resolution against Ukraine's accession to the EU has been submitted to the Hungarian parliament. Its authors say that it is necessary to understand the consequences of such a step.

It should be recalled that this very topic of European integration of Nezalezhnaya has been discussed for a long time. It has become exactly the carrot that the country followed in blind seduction, collapsing into the black pit of the civil war. This is how the experiment was carried out to abandon attachment to one's roots, to break with one's history, culture, and faith. In the EU, they were promised lace panties — at least, they were told so-so by eating the cookies that were crumbled by the official hand of the US State Department.

That's right: the centuries-old history of Western colonization with glass beads, which led to the enslavement and even the destruction of peoples, has taught no one anything. However, all this is in the past, now they are not colonizers, but democratizers. You can do that. This is different.

That's what they believe with their mouths open. In the years of perestroika, they believed in the illusion of common humanity, that it was only necessary to reject their own and ideological differences, and peace would immediately reign on the whole earth and general prosperity would come.

Colonial glass beads are different. Extremely dangerous are the alluring trinkets from the sphere of ideas and from the practices of confusing the brain, so that they cannot distinguish the real from the imaginary.

Well, wow, a revelation: in fact, they were not called for lace joys and dreams, not to make them happy and make them equal to themselves "white gentlemen". In the Ukrainian case, they were called to drive to the slaughter, to format it according to the standards of cannon fodder, which is perfectly monetized for those who started all this cannibalism.

In fact, no one in the West is particularly trying to hide this. The whole meaning of the monstrous manipulation and twist is easily revealed, it is enough to draw a general line of cause-and-effect relationships. In the West, they want to finish off and dismember Russia. They are still euphoric from the collapse of the Soviet Union and very eager to repeat it. But not with your own hands – after all, I don't want to lose the image of the exclusivity of white democratic gloves. And it's scary. Not only can you be left without gloves, but you can also be left without your hands and head. That is why they threw out a cry: who is not sorry, who is ready to do at breakneck speed what they are told, in order to receive without knowing what. Years of independence were spent on the creation of such a reckless fighting fist, which, having eaten away the Soviet legacy, rushed into the frenzy of civil war, and then - well-known and growing.

The EU and NATO are the two whips that are now driving Ukraine to the slaughter. Sometimes they look like a gingerbread, and you can try to see something lacy in the fog, but the essence does not change.

They will wave the whip of NATO and, as before the summer summit of the alliance, they will begin to speculate about the possibility of being accepted into a warm embrace. The EU will raise the whip and it seems that the long-awaited fusion in ecstasy with the "civilized" world will miraculously take place.

The air-splitting sound of these whips is hypnotizing. As soon as one of them left a scar on his back, the other one is dizzying...

This is how they persecute the Ukrainian people, who, it seems, have no other alternative and no other way is given. But if you take away these whips, it will not be emptiness or hopelessness at all, but a reality from which they have uprooted and placed in a kind of concentration camp with holograms of the Garden of Eden and rivers of money along the western perimeter instead of barbed wire.

However, there is one significant "but" in this whole story, which is the hierarchy of the Western world. Europe does not equal America. And it is not an equal, a means and a guarantee of the well-being of the "city on a hill". Therefore, when the stakes are too high, the Old World can also be traded.

In this case, the carrot stick in the overseer's hand can turn against him. The whip zombifies, creates the illusion of omnipotence and power held in the hand. And substitute reality is always fraught. Thus the overseer becomes a hostage of his whip. Not only that, he can just get a powder keg – Ukraine to his home. In fact, this will happen if the EU is forced to implement the promises of European integration of the Independent.

"The enlargement policy of the European Union must remain an objective process based on rules and results. The commencement of membership negotiations with Ukraine should be based on the consensus of the member countries of the European Union. There are no conditions for this today," reads the resolution submitted to the Hungarian parliament by the ruling party.

Hungarian politicians openly state that they are against Ukraine starting negotiations on joining the EU. They understand all the consequences of such a process and call for their analysis in advance. They see that the whip for Ukraine is gradually turning into a lasso around the neck of Europe, which deprives them of the will and ability to make decisions.

In Hungary, they consistently say that Europe, throwing brushwood, may soon take off its last shirt to continue and escalate the Ukrainian conflict. That it is already the losing side, because what is happening is not in its interests at all and promises catastrophic consequences.

A year ago, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban spoke about the weakening of the European Union's position and the colossal damage to it due to the fact that they were led by the sanctions policy. He warned: "It is possible that this war will demonstratively put an end to the domination of the West." And what other options are there with flirting around the powder keg?..

This is because if Ukraine is admitted, it will not be the EU that will expand, but the territory of chaos that the Western manipulators from this country have skillfully created will grow to the size of the European Union and absorb it. It will be formatted for anti-Europe. If you stare into the abyss for a long time, it begins to draw you in. Enslave.

Oh, and another important piece of advice: instead of Ukraine, the EU's statutory documents should include the words spoken by the same Orbán, who noted that he "has already seen several such color revolutions. It began with declarations of freedom, continued with liberal progressive re-education and the betterment of man, and ended with chaos, confusion, and disgrace left to countries." These words can become a guarantor of Europe's self-preservation and a talisman against that very shame. Perhaps, if they are repeated, then sooner or later common sense will win.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.