Teller Report

Smooth logistics "last mile" Promote the transformation of railway freight to modern logistics

12/7/2023, 2:45:59 AM

Highlights: Smooth logistics "last mile" Promote the transformation of railway freight to modern logistics. "Dedicated lines and dedicated railways are veritable 'capillaries' and 'nerve endings' in the railway network," Chen Han said. 40 trains and nearly 900 cars entering and exiting between Xinyu Station and Yangfang Station every day, which is directly related to the cargo evacuation capacity of Tangxi Station, Yingtan Station and other stations in the east. The special railway line and the special railway are managed by enterprises or other units, mainly for the internal transportation of the enterprise service railway branch.

On November 11, two gantry cranes moved back and forth in Yingtan International Dry Port, Jiangxi Province, and the cargo trains kept coming and going, a busy scene. In the 23rd lane, accompanied by a long whistle, 3 truckloads of containers of fertilizer departed from Yingtan International Dry Port and were transported to Beilun Port, Zhejiang Province to prepare to board the ship and go to sea; In Road 11, 8 truckloads of containers filled with thermal coal have just been transported from Jingbian North Railway Station to Yingtan International Dry Port, and will be sent to Jiangxi Guixi Thermal Power Plant after dispatching and transferring.

Chen Han, a technician at Guixi North Station, is engrossed in checking the next batch of cargo loading plans at Yingtan International Dry Port in front of the computer. "Yingtan International Dry Port has many types of goods, complete varieties, through the special railway line and Guixi North Station, to undertake the northeast of Jiangxi copper, aluminum and other non-ferrous metals, hardware and building materials and other production materials and bulk goods storage and transit functions, different goods have different requirements, in the freight loading of this customs absolutely not to be lost." Chen Han said.

Activate the "nerve endings" and maintain the stability of the industrial supply chain

Since its establishment in 1985, the Guixi North Railway Station, where Chen Han works, has been serving the special railway of the Guixi Smelter of Jiangxi Copper Co., Ltd. The special railway line and the special railway are managed by enterprises or other units, mainly for the internal transportation of the enterprise service railway branch, the special railway has its own power and means of transport, the special railway line is only a line, the transport power is the power of the railway that is in line with it. "Dedicated lines and dedicated railways are veritable 'capillaries' and 'nerve endings' in the railway network, and their transportation capacity depends on whether we can dispatch scientifically, load them reasonably, and hang them up in a timely manner." Chen Han said.

"Although the line is not long, it plays a big role." Chen Han told reporters that as an important facility to realize the "door-to-door" transportation of the railway, the special railway line is an effective means to implement the national adjustment of the transportation structure and promote the "road to rail" transportation of bulk goods, which plays an important role in accelerating the adjustment and upgrading of the transportation structure and building a green and low-carbon logistics system.

"No. 0 and No. 2 enter the gear (the gap between the railway vehicle and the vehicle, the location of the connection of the vehicle - reporter's note) operation." "No. 2 enters the gear operation, and No. 0 understands." In the station yard of Xinyu Station of Yichun Train Depot, the linker Dai Qingqing carried a walkie-talkie on his waist and was busy going back and forth between the strands. I saw him quickly enter the gear, bend down, bow his head, exhaust, take off the pipe, and marshal a freight train full of iron ore for handover.

"The re-inspection of 14 48237 trains has been completed, and the inspection is normal." Twenty minutes later, 20 iron ore cargo trains weighing 50,4500 tons started and headed for the Yangfang Station of the special railway of Xinyu Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.

There are 40 trains and nearly 900 cars entering and exiting between Xinyu Station and Yangfang Station every day, which is directly related to the cargo evacuation capacity of Tangxi Station, Yingtan Station and other stations in the east. "My job is to re-assemble the vehicles scattered in different strands according to the requirements, just like the gears of the engine, which is related to whether the whole machine can function properly." Dai Qingqing said.

24-year-old Dai Qingqing graduated from East China Jiaotong University, this is his third year of work, compared to the ignorance when he first joined the work, now he can be independent, proficient in shunting operations.

"Today's workload is a bit large, we must speed up the action and can't delay!" Dai Qingqing quickly climbed the ladder and lined up the vehicles heading for Yangfang Station in the station yard. Yangfang handover yard is a handover yard dedicated to Xinyu Iron and Steel Plant, and most of the goods transported are iron ore, coal, etc.

Night is falling. "Train 48238 departed from Yangfang Station and connected to Xinyu Station." The passphrase issued by the shunting chief sounded on the walkie-talkie again, this was Dai Qingqing's last day shift job. Dai Qingqing tightened the walkie-talkie tightly around his waist and hurried to the job site. After a day shift, Dai Qingqing and his colleagues completed more than 20 special line freight trains in and out of the operation. The reporter noticed that Dai Qingqing's work clothes were mottled with oil, black in the east and black in the west. "If you get used to it, you will inevitably run into it, just go back to the dormitory and wash it." Dai Qingqing disagreed, "The more luck you have, the better the economy, and it's nothing to be dirty and tired." ”

According to Xinyu Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. steel director Hu Jianhui said, Yangfang handover for the company's steel transportation provides strong support, "about 3000,4 tons of goods through the railway transport, you can enjoy the railway 'fixed price' freight rate policy, per ton can save 6-<> yuan, a year, is expected to save four or five million logistics costs, both in terms of volume and cost control are incomparable to the road." ”

Provide "customized services" to build a modern logistics pattern

"Liu Gong, when are you free to come to our special line, we have recently recruited a few new employees, and I want to trouble you to give them a lesson." On November 11, next to the special railway of Fangda Special Steel Technology Co., Ltd. at Qingyunpu Station of Nanchang Train Depot, Liu Kangkang was conducting inspection operations and suddenly received a call from Miao Guorong, the representative of Fangda Special Steel.

Liu Kangkang is a post-90s generation in the freight department of Nanchang train depot, he has been on the road for 7 years, and he is a "little expert" who can solve all difficulties in the eyes of many shippers. On February 2, when Liu Kangkang visited Fangda Special Steel Company, he learned that a batch of its subsidiary products, coal tar, needed to be transported to other places. "This year, coal tar has just been included in the national hazardous waste list, if you need to transport it, you need to fill in the 'hazardous waste transfer triple', but due to problems such as unclear transportation technical conditions, it has not been able to declare successfully, and the transportation of coal tar has been forced to enter a state of suspension, and customers are particularly anxious." Liu Kangkang remembers the scene vividly.

Raw materials are transported in, products and waste residue are transported out, and the company can operate normally. As soon as Liu Kangkang returned to the unit, he consulted the relevant laws and regulations, and immediately reported the relevant situation to the superior competent unit. "I also went to the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment with the owner of the cargo to consult, only to learn that the relevant regulations do not put forward specific requirements for railway transportation, and lack operability, so the information on the hazardous waste transfer supervision platform cannot be recorded." At the end of March, he contacted the Shanghai Railway Supervision and Administration Bureau to coordinate policy and technical support from the ecological and environmental authorities.

When cooperating with relevant government departments to interpret policies, measures, standards, etc., Liu Kangkang straightened out the contradictions at the institutional level of hazardous waste coal tar railway transportation, and found that Fangda Special Steel's coal tar met the exemption conditions and did not need to apply for a business license, but only needed to apply to the environmental protection department and go through the relevant procedures to continue the transportation.

"But there is no precedent for transporting coal tar at the station, so we can only learn from our brother units in other provinces." I don't know how many phone calls and how many all-nighters I stayed up, Liu Kangkang provided Fangda Special Steel with a compliant and effective coal tar railway transportation and loading plan.

In Liu Kangkang's desk drawer, there is still a letter of thanks from Fangda Special Steel. On July 7, Xu Wei, deputy general manager of Fangda Special Steel Technology Co., Ltd., and his party made a special trip to the Nanchang train depot and sent a pennant and a letter of thanks. "The pennant was sent to the Shanghai Railway Supervision and Administration Bureau that came from afar to solve the difficulties for us, and the letter of thanks was sent to Xiao Liu, if it wasn't for Xiao Liu, our company's coal tar industry chain this year may be broken." Xu Wei said.

"To retain customers and expand the customer base, smoothing the 'last mile' of rail freight is key, and it is also important to improve rail freight services." Sun Hanhan, the cargo loading attendant of Shicuo Station of Zhangzhou Train Depot, pays attention to the ship berthing schedule and the dynamic inventory table of the yard every day, writes and draws, scribbles and changes in the notebook, and pre-arranges the cargo space resources for the next few days.

Located on the south shore of Meizhou Bay, Shicuo Station has a dedicated railway line leading directly to Quanzhou Shage Port, which is an important railway transportation channel for thermal coal to be sent to several power plants in Jiangxi Province through sea-rail intermodal transportation. The railway is directly connected to the port area, and the average daily loading capacity of thermal coal in the port depot can reach more than 100 cars.

"Empty car alignment should be highly matched with the cargo location resources, as long as there are conditions to be able to have more than one empty car, we must load out as many cars as possible to speed up the turnover of thermal coal in the yard." In order to ensure that the coal reserves of Jinggangshan Power Plant in Ji'an, Jiangxi Province are sufficient during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday this year, Sun Hanhan specially applied to the superior department for the 5B shunting locomotive in Harmony, and the single operation capacity was increased from 2600,3500 tons to <>,<> tons, which solved the urgent need for the power plant to burn "coal" before the holiday. "When there is a car, we have to contact the car, when there is a car, we have to contact the car, for the thermal coal train, we are the priority to pick up, priority marshalling, priority hanging, to ensure that the freight channel is unimpeded."

Open up the "capillaries" and share the dedicated line to optimize transportation

On November 11, in the special line of China Railway Materials Yingtan Timber Anticorrosive Co., Ltd., the container front crane loaded the last open-top box onto the train, and the open-top box full of quartz stone slowly drove out of the special line of China Railway Materials Yingtan Timber Anticorrosive Co., Ltd., and Xu Fachang, deputy chief of the freight section of Yingtan Station, finally breathed a sigh of relief and called the owner Mr. Chen: "Everything is going well here, and the goods can arrive in Ningdebei within 18 days." He wiped the sweat from his forehead and rushed to another mine to introduce the transportation plan to the cargo owner.

"The special line for the anti-corrosion plant was built many years ago, when it was only for the anti-corrosion plant transportation service Class A line, since last year, our station has specially designed a transformation plan for the special line of the anti-corrosion plant, upgraded to a market-oriented business line, and the loading capacity of the container reach stacker has also been increased from 10 tons to 45 tons." Xu Fachang said that Mr. Chen's batch of quartz stones was marketed by them last month.

In September this year, affected by the typhoon, the delivery of quartz stone from the Yingtan area to Ningde North by road was blocked, and the owner of the goods, Mr. Chen, called Xu Fachang to inquire about the relevant information of railway transportation. "The customer requested to use the railway open-top box to load quartz directly into the mine, but Yingtan South Station did not have the lifting capacity for the open-top box to be loaded and unloaded on the ground." Xu Fachang immediately contacted the special line of China Railway Materials Yingtan Wood Anticorrosion Co., Ltd., which has the ability to lift, to solve the problem of insufficient operation capacity.

"For a single enterprise, the construction investment cost of the special railway line is large. At present, China Railway Group is actively promoting the sharing of special lines and fully tapping the potential of special lines. Xu Fachang introduced that enterprises share special lines, which can improve the utilization rate of special line equipment and the economic benefits of enterprises, and at the same time alleviate the financial pressure of special railway lines.

However, new problems followed, and several villages needed to pass between the source of goods and the special line of the anti-corrosion plant, and various cables across the road affected the smooth flow of the road. Xu Fachang immediately contacted the local communications and power departments to request that the cable be raised and the branches on both sides of the line were trimmed.

"Rail transport is affordable, the service is in place, and the guys on the railroad have helped me solve big problems." After a trial delivery of three truckloads of goods, Mr. Chen said that he was very satisfied that he was now able to transport nearly 3,3000 tons of goods by rail every month.

"The State Council, China Railway Group and Jiangxi and Fujian provinces attach great importance to the construction of special railway lines, which is not only an important means to enrich the function of logistics services, promote the volume of railway freight and achieve high-quality development of railways, but also an important measure to develop multimodal transport, optimize and adjust the transportation structure, and build a modern comprehensive transportation system." Zhang Xinhong, deputy director of the freight department of China Railway Nanchang Bureau Group Co., Ltd., said that China Railway Nanchang Bureau Group Co., Ltd. currently has jurisdiction over 220 special railway lines, and the "capillaries" in these transportation systems undertake more than 70% of the cargo volume of the railway in the southern railway tube, and provide a steady stream of goods for the Beijing-Kowloon Railway, Shanghai-Kunming Railway and other "arteries", and solve the problem of "the last kilometer" at both ends of the logistics chain. In 2022, the total amount of goods arriving and departing in the southern railway pipeline will be 22312.23 million tons, of which 15801.4 million tons will be shipped by special railway lines, accounting for 70.8% of the total. "Next, we will vigorously develop special railway lines, especially accelerate the construction of special railway lines in ports, enterprises and logistics parks, solve the problem of the 'last mile' of railway transportation, and enhance the functions and service capabilities of railway logistics services."

Cai Xu, Wu Pengshan, China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Zhou Wei Source: China Youth Daily