Teller Report

Sidenote: Let the flowers of national unity and happiness bloom on both sides of the Pujiang River

12/7/2023, 2:07:00 AM

Highlights: The Shanghai Federation of Nationalities has carried out national unity storytelling activities since March this year around the national work brand of "Home in Shanghai" It interprets the community concept of compatriots of all ethnic groups sharing weal and woe, honor and disgrace, life and death, and destiny. In Shanghai, there are many outstanding "gardeners" like Zhao Xingzhou and Jiang Feifei, who work the three-foot podium, pass on warmth and hope to students., Shanghai, December 12 (Reporter Fan Yubin) In order to play a good role as a bridge and link between the people of all ethnic groups, tell the story of national unity to the whole society, spread the concept of national unity and progress, and promote the people of all ethnic groups in Shanghai to forge a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation, under the guidance of the United Front Work Department of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Ethnic and Religious Affairs, the Shanghai Federation of Nationalities has carried out national unity storytelling activities since March this year around the national work brand of "Home in Shanghai". It interprets the community concept of compatriots of all ethnic groups sharing weal and woe, honor and disgrace, life and death, and destiny.

The scene of the national unity story telling event. Photo courtesy of Shanghai Municipal Religious Affairs Bureau

A good "gardener" who educates people and nurtures hearts

"Let the beating notes, play a harmonious melody, and the sound of Lang Lang's reading echoes in the sky above you..."This is the school song "The Garden of the Mountain God" composed by teacher Zhao Xingzhou for the Jiuzhi County Ethnic Boarding Middle School in Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province.

Mr. Zhao is a biology teacher at Yangliu Junior High School in Jiading District, Shanghai, when he is about to retire, he traces the footsteps of Wang Luobin, the "King of Western Singers", and comes to Jiuzhi County, Qinghai Province at an average altitude of more than 4000,2 meters above sea level to teach, becoming a musical enlightener for 8 local schools, 833 grades, and <> children, opening the door to the music palace for local children, so that children can understand the motherland through music, bravely explore the world outside the mountains, and realize the ideals and pursuits of life.

National education is linked to the cause of national unity and progress on the one hand, and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on the other. The same touching story also happened thousands of miles away in Chongming Middle School, where there was a Xinjiang class teacher who liked to be called "Lao Jiang" by the children, who "rooted education in love" and devoted himself to the teaching of ethnic education, pouring love into every Xinjiang class child he led.

Since 2017, Jiang Feifei has gradually grown from an ordinary physical education teacher to a "Golden Love Teacher" in Shanghai and an advanced worker in ethnic education in Shanghai.

Seedlings are nurtured first, and hearts are nurtured first. Young people are the future of the country and the hope of the nation, and the adolescent period is a critical period for the formation of values, outlook on life, outlook on the motherland, and outlook on the nation. In Shanghai, there are many outstanding "gardeners" like Zhao Xingzhou and Jiang Feifei, who work the three-foot podium, pass on warmth and hope to students of all ethnic groups, and plant the seeds of love for China in the depths of every child's heart.

The scene of the national unity story telling event. Photo courtesy of Shanghai Municipal Religious Affairs Bureau

The forger of the "great power heavy weapon".

Shalitanati Baurati from Xinjiang shares her story with Shanghai: "I am an aviation worker, I came to Shanghai 12 years ago and am now fully integrated into the city. I have profoundly realized that only in the big family of the Chinese nation can the light of life bloom. ”

During this period, as a youth representative in Shanghai, Shalitanati Baurati participated in the 17th National Congress of the Communist Youth League, and was successively awarded the titles of Shanghai Outstanding Communist Youth League Member, COMAC Top Ten Young Talents, and Pudong New Area Outstanding Youth Post Expert.

It is the city spirit of "embracing all rivers, pursuing excellence, being open-minded and wise, and being modest" and the city character of "openness, innovation, and tolerance" that have made this Kazakh "little pomegranate seed" take root in the Shanghai family. Today, Shalitanati Baurati continues to pursue his aerospace dream in Shanghai.

Shanghai is at the forefront of reform and opening up, and it is also a big stage for young people of all ethnic groups to display their ambitions. There are thousands of outstanding young people like Shalitanati Baulati in Shanghai, who have engraved their youthful footprints on the road of brilliant careers.

The scene of the national unity story telling event. Photo courtesy of Shanghai Municipal Religious Affairs Bureau

A messenger of love with his heart

In 1991, Lan Yunke, from Jinzhu She Autonomous Township, Le'an County, Jiangxi Province, enlisted in the army and came to Shanghai to become an armed police soldier, and gradually he began to like the city. After being discharged from the army, he and several comrades-in-arms started a catering business in Shanghai from scratch, and settled in Huajing Town, Xuhui District, Shanghai.

Today, Lanyunke is at the helm of a well-known catering company in Shanghai. As a volunteer of Huajing Town, Lanyunke set up the "Lanqiao" Elderly Assistance Project in the Daqiao Residential Area to help the town solve the problem of bathing for the elderly. He also used his expertise to participate in the construction of community canteens and provide high-quality meal assistance services to the local elderly.

The young Muzaipai Mukhtar crossed the Xingxing Gorge, passed through the Hexi Corridor, crossed the Loess Plateau, and came to Tongji University, where he began a new journey in life.

After graduating from university, Muzaipair Mukhtar became a community general practitioner in Shanghai. He was active in health volunteering, and with his encouragement, his wife joined in. The couple has gained a large number of "fans" with their superb medical skills. He said: "As a doctor, the happiest thing is to see the patient's smile after recovery, and the greatest honor is the patient's affirmation of the efficacy and service. I love my profession, which is not only a responsibility, but also an honor and pride. ”

They are a microcosm of Shanghai's ethnic unity work, and many people of all ethnic groups from the north and south of the river have interacted and blended with each other in the hot land of Shanghai, helping each other, hugging each other tightly like pomegranate seeds, and conveying great love with their hearts.

The final of the "Home in Shanghai" National Unity and Progress Story Collection was held recently, through a compatriot of all ethnic groups who lived, struggled and pursued their dreams in Shanghai, they told the growth process on the spot, shared their mental journey along the way, and built a spiritual home together in practice, struggle, and mutual help, so that the flower of national unity and happiness bloomed more brilliantly on both sides of the Pujiang River. (ENDS)