Teller Report

Schufa: ECJ restricts the use of the controversial score

12/7/2023, 9:07:22 AM

Highlights: Schufa: ECJ restricts the use of the controversial score. Are banks and companies allowed to decide on a customer's creditworthiness based on the Schufa rating? The Luxembourg judges ruled that the scoring is an "automated decision" that is generally prohibited under data protection law if it is considered to play a decisive role in the granting of credit.More coming soon at Back to Mail Online home. Back To the page you came from..

Are banks and companies allowed to decide on a customer's creditworthiness based on the Schufa rating? The European Court of Justice has now overturned this automated practice to a large extent.

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Schufa headquarters in Wiesbaden: Basically prohibited "automated decision"

Photo: Andreas Arnold / dpa

According to rulings of the European Court of Justice, the use of the Schufa score by banks, for example, is only permitted under strict conditions. The Luxembourg judges ruled that the scoring is an "automated decision" that is generally prohibited under data protection law if it is considered to play a decisive role in the granting of credit.

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