Teller Report

Södertälje police enlist the help of Italian mafia experts

12/7/2023, 5:16:12 AM

Highlights: Södertälje police have initiated a collaboration with Italy to get help in fighting organized crime. As a first step, the police have visited colleagues in Italy. "Luckily, organized crime has not come that far in Sweden yet, but we have much more violence than Italy and other European countries," says Torbjörn Hermansson, coordinator against organized crime in Södersjö. The idea is that during the spring, experts from Italy will come and help the SöDertäLje police with the investigation and the problem.

The Södertälje Police have initiated a collaboration with Italy to get help in fighting organized crime. As a first step, the police have visited colleagues in Italy. "You can see similarities in crime between us and Italy," says police coordinator Torbjörn Hermansson.

"Luckily, organized crime has not come that far in Sweden yet, but we have much more violence than Italy and other European countries," says Torbjörn Hermansson, coordinator against organized crime in Södertälje.

P4 Södertälje was the first to announce that they will initiate a collaboration between Södertälje and Italy as they see similarities in organized crime.

Seeing similarities

"There are criteria for organised crime, which is why we see similarities in crime between us and Italy, but also the rest of Europe," says Torbjörn Hermansson.

The idea is that during the spring, experts from Italy will come and help the Södertälje police with the investigation and the problem.

Start the clip to hear more about what lessons Torbjörn Hermansson learned from the visit to Italy.