Teller Report

Lapid warns of extremist march in Jerusalem

12/7/2023, 11:07:47 AM

Highlights: Lapid warns of extremist march in Jerusalem. "If there was a real government in Israel, it wouldn't allow it," Lapid said. Far-right groups called for a march in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem, demanding an end to the Islamic Waqf Department's control over Al-Aqsa Mosque. Organizers said it would come on the occasion of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah and would pass through Damascus Gate, then the town's Muslim Quarter, to the Western Wall.

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid warned on Thursday of the consequences of a march called by extreme Israeli right-wing groups in occupied Jerusalem, scheduled for this evening.

Lapid: If there was a real government in Israel, it wouldn't allow the march (French)

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid warned on Thursday of the consequences of a march called by extreme Israeli right-wing groups in occupied Jerusalem, scheduled for this evening.

Far-right groups called for a march in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem, demanding an end to the Islamic Waqf Department's control over Al-Aqsa Mosque and full Israeli control over the mosque.

Organizers said it would come on the occasion of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah (Hanukkah in Hebrew) and would pass through Damascus Gate (one of the gates of the Old City), then the town's Muslim Quarter, to the Western Wall, which Jews call the Western Wall or Wailing Wall, adjacent to the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Lapid said in a tweet on Platform X that "the march in Jerusalem tonight is a blatant Kahane attempt (named after extremist Rabbi Yair Kahane) to ignite more squares and cause more destruction and death."

"As (former) prime minister, I agreed to hold marches in Jerusalem, but not violent provocations." "If there was a real government in Israel, it wouldn't allow it," Lapid said.

Calls for the establishment of the temple

Israeli police had allowed the march, which will be organized by far-right groups calling for the so-called Temple to be erected in the place of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, including "In Our Hands" and "Returning to the Temple."

In 2003, the police allowed extremists to storm the Al-Aqsa Mosque without obtaining the approval of the Islamic Waqf Department in Jerusalem of the Jordanian Ministry of Awqaf, knowing that Jordan is the custodian of holy sites in the occupied city of Jerusalem.

On the other hand, the Israeli occupation police have imposed severe restrictions on the entry of Muslims to Al-Aqsa Mosque to perform prayers since the beginning of the Israeli war on Gaza on the seventh of last October.

Since that date, the occupation army has been waging a devastating war on the Gaza Strip, which has left more than 16,43 martyrs, most of them women and children, in addition to more than <>,<> wounded, in addition to massive destruction of infrastructure and an unprecedented humanitarian disaster.

The Jordanian Foreign Ministry condemned, on Wednesday, the Israeli police's allowing "the march of extremists," and denounced "the inflammatory calls of these extremists against the administration of the Jerusalem Waqf and the affairs of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and their quest to change the historical and legal status quo in Jerusalem and its holy sites, in a rejected, condemned and provocative step," according to a ministry statement.

Source : Anadolu Agency