Teller Report

Jérôme Pellistrandi: "Ukraine must be given the capacity to defend itself"

12/7/2023, 5:26:54 PM

Highlights: Jérôme Pellistrandi: "Ukraine must be given the capacity to defend itself" The editor-in-chief of the magazine Défense nationale is an international guest on RFI. He says the U.S. aid is absolutely vital for the Ukrainians at this stage of the war. He also says that the EU must do more to help the Ukrainian people in their fight against the Russian army. The interview will be broadcast on French television on December 6, 2023.

Jérôme Pellistrandi: "Ukraine must be given the capacity to defend itself"


General Jérôme Pellistrandi, editor-in-chief of the magazine Défense nationale, at the microphone of RFI, December 6, 2023. © RFI

Financial support for Ukraine was at the heart of a particularly heated session yesterday, Tuesday, in the US Congress. The Republicans slammed the door and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky cancelled his videoconference speech without explanation... What is at stake is the $60 billion that Joe Biden would like to release to Kyiv. Is this U.S. aid absolutely vital for the Ukrainians at this stage of the war? General Jérôme Pellistrandi, editor-in-chief of the magazine Défense nationale, is an international guest on RFI.
