Teller Report

Israel: Son of ex-Chief of Staff Gal Eisenkot killed in Gaza war

12/7/2023, 5:26:43 PM

Highlights: Gal Meir Eisenkot, son of the former Israeli Chief of Staff, has been killed in the Gaza war. The 25-year-old first served in the Israeli Navy, most recently in the 551st Brigade. He died after a bomb exploded while inspecting a tunnel in the northern Gaza Strip near the Jabalia refugee camp. Attempts to rescue him and take him to a nearby hospital failed. The Gaza war was triggered by the worst massacre in Israel's history, carried out by Hamas and other terrorist groups.

Gadi Eisenkot once justified the use of "disproportionate force" against Israel's enemies. Now the son of the former top military officer has been killed in the Gaza war. He was 25 years old.

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Former Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot at the funeral service for an Israeli officer killed by Hamas in early October


Alexi J. Rosenfeld/Getty Images

In Israel, Hanukkah begins in the midst of the bloody Gaza war. But the lighting of the first candle at the Jewish Festival of Lights is overshadowed by bad news for many in the country: Gal Meir Eisenkot, son of the former Israeli Chief of Staff, has been killed in the Gaza war. This is unanimously reported by Israeli media.

The 25-year-old first served in the Israeli Navy, most recently in the 551st Brigade in the Israeli army. According to media reports, he died after a bomb exploded while inspecting a tunnel in the northern Gaza Strip near the Jabalia refugee camp. Attempts to rescue him and take him to a nearby hospital failed.

The soldier is the son of the famous military man Gadi Eisenkot. The now 63-year-old is considered to be close to the people and hands-on, and he had a picture-perfect career in the military. In 2015, the brawny military man was appointed chief of staff. He is now retired.

Mastermind of "disproportionate force"

He is considered the mastermind behind the Dahija doctrine, which justifies the use of "disproportionate force". The doctrine is named after a neighborhood in the Lebanese capital Beirut. During the Second Lebanon War, the infrastructure of this Hezbollah stronghold was massively destroyed by Israeli air forces.

Since the beginning of the recent Gaza war, iron excrement has been involved again. He is to have observer status in the current war cabinet. Eisenkot is now in politics and an opponent of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. However, he has joined an emergency government as an opposition figure in order to fight Hamas together.

The Gaza war was triggered by the worst massacre in Israel's history, carried out by Hamas and other terrorist groups on October 7 in Israel near the border with the Gaza Strip. More than 1200 people were killed. In addition, 240 people were deported to the Gaza Strip, 105 of whom were released during a temporary ceasefire. Israel had responded to the terror attack with massive air strikes and a ground offensive in the Gaza Strip.
