Teller Report

In this life, you must take a look at Hainan along this road!

12/7/2023, 11:56:35 PM

Highlights: Hainan Ring Island Tourist Highway is one of the top 2023 self-driving tours on the "Road to China" in <> China. There will be 12 sections in 9 categories in 84 cities and counties along the coast of Hainan. Along the way are also along the way, Moon Bay, Song's ancestral residence, Stone Park, Wenchang Aerospace Science Center, etc. There is the permanent site of the Boao Forum for Asia and the beautiful Yudai Beach.

A tourist road

A thousand different styles

Follow the road

More than half of the whole line can see the sea

Windmills, coconut groves, lighthouses, blue sky, blue sea, fine sand

Volcanic strange rocks, clouds, sunset fishing port smoke

Cliffs, wetlands, salt pans


Every step is a scene

Frame by frame

The picture shows the Wenchang Mulan Bay section of the Hainan Island Tourist Highway. Photo by Lin Shijie

Some time ago

It is positioned as the "National Coastal Scenic Byway No. 1".

Hainan Ring Island Tourist Highway

Selected as one of the top 2023 self-driving tours on the "Road to China" in <>

Boutique routes

The picture shows the coconut grove section of the eastern suburbs of Wenchang on the Hainan Island Tourist Highway. Photo by Luo Yunfei

Nearly 1000 km

There will be 12 sections in 9 categories in 84 cities and counties along the coast of Hainan

Different characteristic landscape areas

String together to form a pearl necklace

Many tourists can't wait to check in

Immerse yourself in the "slow life" of the island

The picture shows the cliff section of Wanning Zhengmenling on the Hainan Island Tourist Highway. Photo by Luo Yunfei

"Beautiful out of the circle" Hainan Island Tourist Highway

How beautiful is it?


Wenchang section

Magnolia Bay has

The Mulan Lighthouse, known as "Asia's No. 1 Lighthouse".

and the windmill coast, which stretches for kilometers

The picture shows a corner of the "Mulan Lighthouse" in the Wenchang section of the Hainan Island Tourist Highway. Photo by Lin Shijie

Stunning coastal scenery

It attracts many couples to take wedding photos here

The picture shows the beautiful coastal scenery of Mulan Bay in Wenchang City, attracting many newlyweds to take wedding photos here. Photo by Ling Nan

Coconut grove road section in the eastern suburbs

Coconut trees along the way

Like a "green ribbon" on the coastline

Clear blue waters and "green ribbons"

Complement each other

The picture shows the coconut grove section in the eastern suburbs of the Hainan Island Tourist Highway. Photo by Luo Yunfei

There are also along the way

Haiwen Bridge, Moon Bay, Song's ancestral residence

Tongguling, Stone Park, Wenchang Aerospace Science Center, etc

Natural and cultural attractions

One-stop experience of the charm of overseas Chinese

The picture shows the ancestral residence of the Song family in Wenchang. Photo by Luo Yunfei

Qionghai section

Pleasant views of Boao Bay

There is the permanent site of the Boao Forum for Asia

and the beautiful Yudai Beach

The picture shows an aerial photograph of the permanent site of the Boao Forum for Asia. Photo by Luo Yunfei

Many water sports enthusiasts

Chase kitesurfing here

The picture shows kites of different colors "dancing" on the sea surface of Boao Bay in Qionghai. Photo by Luo Yunfei

Relying on the construction of tourist highways

Boao Town Binhai Style Street

Viewing Station, Boao Book House, The Story of the Sea and other check-in points

It is the "first choice" for tourists to take pictures

The picture shows the "check-in point" on the Boao section of the Hainan Island Tourist Highway. Photo by Luo Yunfei

Wanning section

Known as a "storyteller"

Wanning Tourist Highway

Connecting Shimei Bay, Nanyan Bay, Shenzhou Peninsula,

Lao Ye Hai, Houtan, Baoding Bay, Dahuajiao, etc

Multiple beautiful bays

The picture shows the Wanning Shimei Bay to Dahuajiao section of the tourist road. Photo by Luo Yunfei

It has the characteristics of sightseeing tourism and leisure vacation

and ecological landscape features

The section of the Zhengmenling Bridge built near the cliff

The mountains and seas are undulating all the way, and the beautiful scenery is in full view

The picture shows the cliff section of Wanmenling Bridge on the Hainan Island Tourist Highway to attract tourists to ride and check in. Photo by Yang Shizhong

"The Sea of Pineapples", Swallow Cave in Shanqin Bay, etc

Featured niche tourist spots

It attracts many cycling enthusiasts to check in

The picture shows the secret cliff of the swallow cave in Qinwan, Wanning Mountain, attracting tourists to check in. Photo by Fu Yuqun

Ledong section

It is home to the largest sea salt field in southern China

- Yingge Sea Salt Field

Shuttling through the 10,000 acres of salt fields in Yingge Sea

The channels are vertical and horizontal, and the salt fields are shining silver

The picture shows the Yantian section of the Hainan Ring Island Tourist Highway in Ledong Yinggehai. Photo by Luo Yunfei

It is complemented by the beautiful scenery of the "Sky Mirror".


图为海南环岛旅游公路乐东莺歌海盐田段。骆云飞 摄





图为乐东莺歌海盐场盐库库房群。符宇群 摄




图为海南环岛旅游公路三亚湾沿海公路。骆云飞 摄






图为海南环岛旅游公路三亚湾沿海公路。骆云飞 摄





图为海南环岛旅游公路陵水新村路段。骆云飞 摄





图为海南环岛旅游公路陵水新村路段。骆云飞 摄




图为正在建设中的海南环岛旅游公路昌江海尾路段。骆云飞 摄




图为昌江王下乡“十里画廊”景色。王晓斌 摄




图为掩映在椰林中的王下乡特色茅草屋民宿。凌楠 摄




The volcanic coast of Eman Town is picturesque

View from the air

You can enjoy the charm of the Genguro Coast, where volcanic rocks are piled up

The picture shows the Danzhou Eman section of the Hainan Island Tourist Highway. Photo by Luo Yunfei

Red sunset, white waves,

Colorful coastline

Creates a strong visual impact

There are also thousand-year-old salt pans

It is still used by the local villagers

Ancient and unique salt-making process

The picture shows the ancient salt pan located in Yangpu, Danzhou. Photo by Yin Haiming

to Danzhou

Be sure to go to Dongpo Academy

Have a "meeting" with Dongpo monks through the millennium

The picture shows the sculpture of Su Dongpo in Dongpo Academy. Photo by Luo Yunfei

Chengmai section

Bao'an Port and Yubao Port have beautiful natural scenery along the way

You can feel the original fisherman's style

The picture shows the Chengmai Bao'an Cooking Smoke Section of the Hainan Island Ring Tourist Highway. Photo by Lin Shijie

Some sections of the main line have been opened to traffic

Follow the "Côte d'Azur Walk"

You can also revel in the turquoise waters and craggy rocks

At low tide, you can also experience the slow life of "catching the sea".

The picture shows tourists experiencing the fun of "catching the sea" in the waters of Chengmai Daolun Bay. Photo by Chen Yingqing

Hainan Island Tourist Highway Station

Hainan Ring Island Tourist Highway

It is planned to build 40 stations with their own characteristics

Each station

Combine the city's cultural heritage with fashion elements

Highlight the characteristics of regional culture

The picture shows the Danzhou Volcano Coast Station under planning and construction. Photo by Luo Yunfei


Ledong "Yingge Treading Waves" Station has started trial operation

Danzhou "Volcanic Coast" "Sunset Dan'er"

Wanning "Sun and Moon Chasing Waves", Wenchang "Dragon Tower Catching the Moon"

The construction of the first batch of post stations is being accelerated

At that time, it will provide passengers with a new experience of "fast forward and slow travel".

The picture shows the coastal section of the Wenchang windmill of the Hainan Island Tourist Highway. Photo by Lin Shijie

One city, one characteristic, one scenery all the way

People in this life

Be sure to take a look at the beautiful Hainan along the tourist road around the island

The most beautiful scenery is on the road

Departures always make sense

The picture shows an aerial photograph of the coastal tourist highway in Wanning, Hainan. Photo by Luo Yunfei

The AI also looked at Hainan along this road

Let's take a look at Hainan in the eyes of AI

Hainan Ring Island Tourist Highway

It is expected that the whole line will be completed and opened to traffic by the end of December this year

Meet at the roundabout

Waiting for you!

Author: Fu Yuqun

Authors: Luo Yunfei, Lin Shijie, Fu Yuqun, Ling Nan, Wang Xiaobin, Yin Haiming, Yang Shizhong

Visual: Zhang Jianyuan, Xu Yang

Drawing: Sino-Singapore AI Lab