Teller Report

Here are this year's winter hosts in P1

12/7/2023, 12:06:39 PM

Highlights: Winter in P1 is the winter equivalent of summer talkers. Police Commissioner Carin Götblad, comedian Kodjo Akolor, foreign correspondent Anna-Lena Laurén are some of this year's hosts. On Christmas Day, 25 December, it is the premiere of Winter inP1. The program is about the fact that we live in a time when reason has fallen asleep and the monsters are surging, says program director Bibi Rödöö in a press release.

Police Commissioner Carin Götblad, comedian Kodjo Akolor, foreign correspondent Anna-Lena Laurén are some of this year's hosts in P1's winter program.

On Christmas Day, 25 December, it is the premiere of Winter in P1. The program is the winter equivalent of summer talkers.

Among this year's hosts is Anna-Lena Laurén, who will speak from Kiev for the winter. There, she will talk about everything from her coverage of war to how friendship can be affected by distance.

Kodjo Akolor, comedian and well-known as a long-time presenter on Swedish Radio, will also talk about his life.

Police Commissioner Carin Götblad will talk about how gang violence can be stopped.

"In troubled times, wise voices are needed. In Winter this year, it is about the fact that we live in a time when reason has fallen asleep and the monsters are surging and about what it is like to move from a country that is at war to a country that defends itself, says program director Bibi Rödöö in a press release.