Teller Report

Gérard Depardieu: the actor has already admitted to having participated in rapes, "too many to count"

12/7/2023, 3:07:51 PM

Highlights: Gérard Depardieu: the actor has already admitted to having participated in rapes, "too many to count". The new issue of "Complement of investigation", broadcast this Thursday evening at 23pm on France 2, is dedicated to the monster of French cinema. The show's reporters unearthed interviews with the actor between the late 1970s and early 1990s. In one of them, dating from 1978 and given to the American press, GérardDepardieu admits to have participated in several rapes. The actor, who was indicted in December 2020 for raping or sexually assaulting Charlotte Arnould, made many obscene remarks.

The new issue of " Complement of investigation", broadcast this Thursday evening at 23pm on France 2, is dedicated to Gérard Depardieu, indicted for rape and sexual assault. The show's reporters unearthed interviews with the actor between the late 1970s and early 1990s. Interviews in which Depardieu admits to raping women on several occasions.

Solène Delinger 15:54 pm, December 07, 2023

The new issue of "Complement of investigation", broadcast this Thursday evening at 23pm on France 2, is dedicated to Gérard Depardieu, indicted for rape and sexual assault. The show's reporters unearthed interviews with the actor between the late 1970s and early 1990s. Interviews in which Depardieu admits to raping women on several occasions.

A week after the broadcast of its highly anticipated number on Cyril Hanouna (but which disappointed many viewers), Complement d'enquête returns this Thursday evening on France 2 with a show dedicated to the monster of French cinema Gérard Depardieu. Journalists were able to obtain never-before-seen videos from the actor's trip to North Korea.

"There is no such thing as rape," Depardieu said in 1978

In these images that Yann Moix shot in 2018, Gérard Depardieu harasses his interpreter. "Very pretty darling. I'm in good shape, I've slept a lot. If you knew the dreams I had, I know you by heart," he said. Despite the translator's embarrassment, Gérard Depardieu insists: "She's got the little dress wide open there. You can almost see the panties," he tells her without any embarrassment, in front of the camera.

"I've got a beam in my boxer shorts!"

#ComplementDenquete retrieved never-before-seen images of Gérard Depardieu during a trip to North Korea in 2018.

The actor has made a series of lewd comments about the women he meets.

▶️ Tonight at 23 p.m. on France 2

— Further investigation (@Cdenquete) December 7, 2023

The actor, who was indicted in December 2020 for raping or sexually assaulting Charlotte Arnould, made many obscene remarks during his trip to North Korea. But that's not all... Further investigation has also unearthed interviews with the actor, which were particularly shocking. In one of them, dating from 1978 and given to the American press, Gérard Depardieu admits to having participated in several rapes. "I've had a lot of rapes, too many to count. There was nothing wrong with that. The girls wanted to be raped," the actor said in the interview, adding: "Well, rape doesn't really exist. It's just the story of a girl who puts herself in a situation she wants to be in. Violence is not committed by those who act but by the victims, those who allow it to happen."

"Raping women is completely normal," the actor said in 1990

Rebelotte twelve years later, in 1990. In an interview with Time, Gérard Depardieu said he had raped women and that there was "nothing extraordinary about it", that it was even "completely normal". At the time, the actor's remarks caused a scandal in the United States... but not in France. The press even attacked Victoria Foote-Blackman, the American journalist who had interviewed Depardieu. To defend himself, the actor accuses Victoria Foote-Blackman of having mistranslated his words... even though she speaks French.

To sort out the truth from the falsehood, the Complement d'enquête team found another interview, which leaves no room for doubt. In the columns of Lui magazine in 1981, Gérard Depardieu confided in us about his childhood. "We also raped a lot of girls," he says, referring to his activities with his friends at the time. "Did you participate in these rapes yourself?" the journalist asked. Depardieu's response is damning: "Yes, but I was second to everyone else because I was a kid. The girl would say, 'Come on, let's get this over with, we've had enough!' In fact, rape is saying a lot. Rather, they were girls who, in order to belong to the gang, were passed over." In early October, Depardieu defended himself in an op-ed published in Le Figaro. "Never, ever have I abused a woman. Hurting a woman would be like kicking my own mother's womb," he wrote. These statements have now been swept away by the revelations of Complement.