Teller Report

December 7: Night's News

12/7/2023, 4:26:44 AM

Highlights: Swedish Peace on the defense agreement with the United States: "Insane" At least three people have died and one is seriously injured after a shooting at Nevada University in Las Vegas. One of the victims is the perpetrator himself.Republicans in the U.S. Senate are blocking President Biden's aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan until further notice."We are giving up power, our own bases to the United states and have no reservations about nuclear weapons," says Kerstin Bergeå, President of Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society.

Swedish Peace on the defense agreement with the United States: "Insane"

"Insane." This is how Kerstin Bergeå, President of the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society, describes the new defense agreement with the United States.

"We are giving up power, our own bases to the United States and have no reservations about nuclear weapons.

Three dead after shooting at university in Las Vegas

At least three people have died and one is seriously injured after a shooting at Nevada University in Las Vegas. One of the victims is the perpetrator himself.

U.S. Senate blocks Ukraine aid

Republicans in the U.S. Senate are blocking President Biden's aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan until further notice.