Teller Report

Criticism after the VA soup in Skinnskatteberg: "Draws ridicule over politics"

12/7/2023, 4:37:08 AM

Highlights: Opposition in Skinnskatteberg sharply criticizes the political leadership and the high-profile excavation next to Bergslagsvägen. "It's a debacle. It draws ridicule over how we have handled this," says Arne Hjort (S), member of the Technical Committee. Chairman of the Municipal Executive Board Ewa Olsson Bergstedt (SD) does not agree. "I have to trust that the administration is doing what they are supposed to," she says.

The opposition in Skinnskatteberg sharply criticizes the political leadership and the high-profile excavation next to Bergslagsvägen. "It's a debacle. It draws ridicule over how we have handled this, it draws ridicule over how we lead such work away from politics, says Arne Hjort (S), member of the Technical Committee.

It was in connection with an unannounced inspection on 15 November that the Swedish Work Environment Authority stopped the groundwork with immediate effect because the municipality had dug too steep shaft walls in connection with water and sewerage work, which risked the road collapsing.

Acting Water and Property Manager Christopher Åberg summed up the erroneous excavation with the word "clumsy". And after contact with a geotechnical consultant, the municipality was urged to quickly fill in the pit.

Doesn't share the criticism

Arne Hjort believes that the political leadership has not done enough.

"There has been a lack of political responsibility in this case," he says.

Chair of the Municipal Executive Board Ewa Olsson Bergstedt (SD) does not agree.

"It's up to him. I don't have the expertise that the administration has in this, I have to trust that the administration is doing what they are supposed to and has full control of this," she says.

Arne Hjort believes that the political leadership has not been in control but has let go of both responsibility and control over what has happened in the business.

At the same time, you are a member of the committee and one of the people responsible for this, what do you think?

"As a member, you can't do very much if the political leadership doesn't act," says Arne Hjort.

"I don't really agree with that. He's a member of the Technical Committee, he's a member of the municipal board, he has the full right to keep track of this and the right to make a statement," says Ewa Olsson Bergstedt.

Investigations must provide answers

What has gone wrong in connection with the groundwork next to Bergslagsvägen in central Skinnskatteberg is expected to be presented at the Technical Committee's meeting on 15 December.

"Are we in control? No, maybe not..." – in the clip, Ewa Olsson Bergstedt (SD) answers the question of how well the politicians know to be able to prevent this kind of thing.

Residents about the digging mistake: "Should check what to do before"

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"Money thrown down the drain" – in the clip, several residents comment on the wrong digging that could have caused extensive damage. Photo: Hanna Eklund/SVT