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Accused of accepting bribes of more than 8823.<> million yuan in the first instance Li Jiexiang, former member of the Standing Committee of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee, pleaded guilty and repented in court

12/7/2023, 11:06:50 AM

Highlights: Li Jiexiang, former member of the Standing Committee of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee, pleaded guilty and repented in court. Accused of accepting bribes of more than 8823.000 million yuan in the first instance. In April 1985, officials reported that he had been expelled from the party and public office for serious violations of discipline and law. He was accused of "making friends with political brokers in order to seek promotion, using state-owned mineral resources to engage in political transactions, and praying to God and Buddha to engaged in superstitious activities"

Beijing, 12 Dec (ZXS) -- This reporter learned from China's Supreme People's Court that on 7 December, the Tianjin No. 12 Intermediate People's Court openly tried the case of Li Jiexiang, former member of the Standing Committee of the Qinghai Provincial CPC Committee, former secretary of the leading party group and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Qinghai Provincial People's Congress, for accepting bribes.

The Second Branch of the Tianjin Municipal People's Procuratorate alleged that from the beginning of 2004 to October 2021, defendant Li Jiexiang took advantage of his position as secretary of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Tumote Right Banner Committee, member of the Standing Committee of the Baotou Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the Tumut Right Banner Committee, member of the Standing Committee of the Baotou Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor, member of the Standing Committee of the Tongliao Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor, deputy secretary, deputy mayor, acting mayor and mayor of the Hohhot Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Inner Mongolia Helinger New District, member of the Standing Committee of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Party Committee, secretary of the Tongliao Municipal Party Committee, and other positions. The facilitation conditions for the formation of status have provided assistance to relevant units and individuals in matters such as project contracting, job promotion, and obtaining financial subsidies, and illegally accepted property directly or through others totaling more than 10.8823 million yuan. The procuratorate requested that Li Jiexiang be investigated for criminal responsibility for the crime of accepting bribes.

During the trial, the procuratorate presented relevant evidence, the defendant Li Jiexiang and his defender conducted cross-examination, the prosecution and defense fully expressed their opinions under the auspices of the court, and Li Jiexiang made a final statement and pleaded guilty and repented in court. The court adjourned the trial and announced the verdict at a later date.

According to public information, Li Jiexiang was born in March 1964, a native of Inner Mongolia, joined the Communist Party of China in January 3, and began working in July of the same year. In April 1985, Li Jiexiang was investigated while in office; In September, officials reported that he had been expelled from the party and public office for serious violations of discipline and law. He was accused of "making friends with political brokers in order to seek promotion, using state-owned mineral resources to engage in political transactions, resisting organizational censorship and engaging in political disguises, and praying to God and Buddha to engage in superstitious activities."

Li Jiexiang was also accused of "believing in the vulgar 'wine table culture,' wantonly eating, drinking, and enjoying himself, and accepting gifts in violation of regulations," "using his power or the influence of his position to provide assistance to his relatives' business activities," "interfering in judicial activities and market economic activities in violation of regulations," and "having no bottom line of discipline and law, wanting to be an official and making a fortune at the same time, using relatives and friends to do business as a cover, and engaging in power-for-money transactions." (ENDS)